Keywords B Flashcards
abyssal zone
a layer of the pelagic zone of the ocean
aerobic respiration
A chemical process in which oxygen is used to make energy from carbohydrates (sugars).
produces the first form of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle through mineralization
the process by which microorganisms present in soil, sediment, or water mineralize low molecular weight, dissolved, organic molecules presenting amine or amide groups (of general formula R-NH2) and produce ammonium
anaerobic respiration
respiration through which cells can break down sugars to generate energy in the absence of oxygen.
the movement of digested food molecules into the cells inside the body to be used
barrier islands
constantly changing deposit of sand that forms parallel to the coast
bathyal zone
marine ecologic realm extending down from the edge of the continental shelf to the depth at which the water temp is 39 degrees farenhite
A global ecosystem made up of living organisms: plants, animals, and bacteria
Bottleneck Effect
A reduction in population due to environmental disasters/events
Hydrologic Cycle
The continuous circulation of water through natural processes
Cellular Respiration
A process that converts sugars and oxygen into ATP and carbon dioxide. (C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O)
The average weather of an environment over a period of time (months - years)
A group of species that interact and/or live in a shared area
convection currents
global air movements that are caused by the unequal heating of Earth
large group of diverse photoautrophic prokayotes and are classified as monophyletic phylum within domain bacteria
the microbial process of reducing nitrate to gaseous forms of oxygen
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
endemic species
species that is native and found in a limited area
Euphotic Zone
The upper layer of the ocean that allows light to enter and foster photosynthesis
the enviornment becomes enriched with nutrients, increasing the amount of plant and algae growth to estuaries
Geographic information systems help to store, analyze, and retrieve geological data.
gaia hypothesis theory
posits that Earth and its biological systems behave as a huge single entity.
gene flow
involves genes moving in or out of a population
genetic diversity
the range of diversity within a species
Genetic Drift
Evolution through the random altering of genes
Geographic isolation
Two populations are separated by geographic barriers. Ex: mountains, rivers, and other bodies of water
H=Habitat Loss, I=Invasive Species, P=Pollution, P=Human Population, and O=Overharvesting
The natural environment of an organism
total amount of water on the planet
indicator species
an organism whose presence, absence, or abundance reflects a specific environmental conditioin
intertidal zone
area of shoreline between high tide and low tide
keystone species
a species that defines an ecosystem
limiting nutrient
the nutrient that has the smallest quantity in an ecosystem
limnetic zone
the open water area where the light does not generally penetate all the way to the bottom
The layer of the Earth that includes the crust and the very upper layer of the mantle.
littoral zone
zone in freshwater where light reaches the bottom and nurtures plants
lotic water
rapidly flowing water
A major evolutionary change in traits or genetics
Nutrients that the body needs to survive, gain energy, and/or help prevent disease
Mass Extinction
When species die or vanish in a large amount over a short period of time, faster than they are being reborn/repopulated.
Native Species
A species that originated in that habitat and has adapted to it over its life
niche specialist
being advantageous for an organism to occupy a specific niche
nitrogen cycle
repeating cycle of processes where nitrogen is moved through living and non-living things
nutrient cycle
the movement and exchange of inorganic and organic matter back into the production of matter. Energy flow is a unidirectional and noncyclic pathway, whereas the movement of mineral nutrients is cyclic.
A living entity
Phosphorous Cycle
The cycle which phosphorous moves between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere
The history of evolution or line of descent in a species or group
A group of individuals in a community which share the same species.
profundal zone
a deep zone of a island body of freestanding water, such as a lake or a pond
Reproductive Isolation
when two populations are no longer able to reproduce with each other
species evenness
a measure of the relative abundances of species within a community
species richness
the number of species in a community
The second layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, containing the ozone layer
sulfur cycle
the movement of sulfur through the geosphere and bioshphere
sympatric speciation
when their is no physical barriers preventing any members of a species mating with another
The Coriolis effect
deflection cause by the movement of the earth
The founder effect
The loss of genetic diversity which comes from the separation of a group from the original population
When water vapor leaves a plant or leaf.
The state the atmosphere is in, including temperature, humidity, wind, air pressure, precipitation and clouds.