Keywords 3 - Computer Architecture, Languages and Operating Systems Flashcards
Cache Memory
A portion of memory used for high speed storage
An inetrnal memory location within the CPU that temporarily holds data and instructions during processing
The register that is used for arithmetic and logic calculations
A hardware device, used to inputm store or output data from a computer, that is not directly part of a computer itself
High Level Language
A programming language that looks like the language humans generally use
Low Level Language
A programming language that is closer to the native language of computers
Machine Code
A series of binary numbers, madfe up of 0s and 1s
Assembly Language
A low-level programming langaue that uses mneumonic codes to create programs
The structure of language in a computer program
A computer program that takes a whole computer program written in a high level language and translates it into machine code
A computer program that translates a program written in a high level language line by line into machine code
Source Code
Code in its text-based form that is yet to be translated into machine code
Executable File
A file format that a computer can directly process
Mnemonic Codes
Instruction codes used in assembly language
Converts assembly language into machine code
A oriogram that controls a device, for example, a printer on a keyboard