Keywords Flashcards
Growing plants in the air or mist environment without the use of soil
Farms are run as businesses to produce as much food as possible
Appropriate Technology
Technology suited to the needs,skills, knowledge and wealth of the local people and their environment
The genetic engineering of living organisms to produce useful commercial products
Carbon Footprint
The amount of carbon a person produces
To save
Using something up
Having not enough of something e.g. the South East of England have a water deficit
The need for something e.g. rich people have a high energy demand
Economic well-being
Whether there is enough money and jobs for a good life
Energy mix
The different types of energy a country uses for it’s needs
Widespread, serious often fatal shortage of food
Food Miles
The distance food travels to get where it is made to who eats it
Fossil Fuels
Coal, oil and gas. They are burned to make energy and will run out
Greenhouse gas
Gases released which cause global warming e.g. carbon dioxide