Keyword definitions Flashcards
Define precipitation
Moisture falling from the cloud towards the ground. (rain, snow, sleet, hail)
Define infiltration
When water drains into the SOIL – the vertical movement of rainwater through the soil.
Define interception
When leaves etc get in the way of the raindrops and prevent them from falling directly on the ground
What is a water table?
The upper surface of the zone of saturation in permeable rocks and the soil.
What is surface runoff/overland flow?
Water flowing over the land. Rainfall that runs off the ground surface because the soil is saturated or the intensity of the rainfall exceeds the infiltration capacity.
What is Groundwater Flow?
Water flowing through the ROCK – the horizontal movement of water within aquifers
What is Permeable Rock?
Rock that allows water to travel through it. For rock this means it has lots of cracks and joint which water can flow through.
Define permeability.
The ability of a rock to absorb water
Define porosity.
The ability of a rock, like chalk, to absorb water through tiny air spaces (or pores) between mineral particles.
What is porous rock?
Rocks which contain pores or air spaces between mineral particles, where water is stored.
Define impermeable
Rocks that are NOT porous and WILL NOT absorb water or allow it to percolate through.
What is the hydrological cycle?
The continuous recycling of water between the sea, air and land. Rivers and the way in which water reaches the river plays a large role in this.
Define pervious.
Rocks allow water to penetrate, either through mineral pores (air spaces) or along cracks, joints and fissures.
What is bedrock?
The rock found under the soil
What is a reservoir?
A store of water (or a lake created by the building of a dam.)
Define ablation
The loss of ice and snow, especially from a glacier, through melting, evaporation and sublimation
Define throughflow
Water flowing through the SOIL- water flowing horizontally through the soil to the stream and river channels.
Define accumulation
The addition or gain of snow and ice to a glacier over time.
What is an aquifer?
A water bearing band of porous or permeable rock. It is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. It must be both permeable and porous and include such rock types as sandstone, conglomerate, fractured limestone and unconsolidated sand and gravel.
Define condensation
The phase change of water vapour (gas) to water (liquid).
What is a Dew point?
The critical temperature at which condensation takes place.
Define evaporation
The process by which liquid water is converted into a gaseous state.
Define evapotranspiration
Combined loss of water at the surface through evaporation and transpiration.
What is permafrost?
Permanently frozen soil and regolith (a loose layer of rocky material overlying the bedrock)
I think miss did this one wrong - not sure what word is
Rainfall. Initially intercepted by vegetation, which drips to the ground.
What is stemflow?
The flow of water along the branches and stems of trees and other plants to the ground.
What is sublimation?
The phase change of water from ice to vapour.
What is throughfall?
The part of rainfall or other precipitation which falls to the forest floor from the canopy.
What is transpiration?
The evaporation of moisture from pores on the leaf surface of plants.
What are sub-aerial processes?
Land-based processes and occur above the waterline
What is oxidation?
When oxygen from the atmosphere (or from water) is combined with portions of the carbohydrate molecule, producing carbon dioxide and water
What is percolation?
The movement of water through the soil itself.