Change and mitigation of water and carbon cycles Flashcards
What is the equation for equilibrium in drainage basins?
Water inputs+ precipitation= evapotranspiration+ run-off
How does urbanisation lead to greater flood risk?
They make the ground impermeable, this leads to greater levels of run off and more water entering rivers. The creation of sewers also leads to more floods, as water is taken away from cities and put into rivers which causes increased flooding.
How can the water cycle change seasonally?
In different seasons there will be greater levels of precipitation e.g. the monsoon season as opposed to drier seasons where less evapotranspiration takes place.
How can the carbon cycle change over time?
More carbon is entering the atmosphere, due to the burning of fossil fuels and melting of permafrost etc…
How can the water cycle change on a daily basis?
At night time there will be no evaporation as opposed to during the day.
What is a diurnal cycle?
A day/night cycle.
Give some examples of how the carbon and water cycles are linked.
Growth of vegetation, oceans, melting of permafrost and ice, atmosphere stores water and carbon, volcanos produce water and take carbon into the atmosphere, great ocean conveyor allows carbon to be diffused into water and moves around the earth.
What issues arise with the acidification of the Earth’s oceans?
Phytoplankton struggle to survive, leads to stored carbon breaking down.
What issues arise from the burning of fossil fuels?
CO2 is released into the atmosphere, causes unsustainable rises in Earth’s temperature, has negative influence on water and carbon cycles.
What issues arise from the loss of biomass?
An imbalance of gases in the atmosphere, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and less oxygen is absorbed, leads to drought.
What issues arise from urbanisation?
More floods, less permeable land, darker albedo, greater release of fossil fuels, less evapotranspiration.
Why is there a rising demand for water?
Population growth, quality of fresh sources has declined, more droughts.
What strategies have been put in place to protect the water and carbon cycles?
Afforestation, carbon capture, congestion charges, investment in renewable energy, use of smart meters, carbon permits, restricting water use, encouraging public transport.
What temperature rises are we on track to achieve and when?
1.5 degrees between 2030 and 2052. 3 degrees by the end of the century.
What would the consequences of a 2 degree increase be?
Almost no coral reefs, Arctic devoid of ice during the summer, huge numbers of animals and plants become extinct, vulnerable areas seeing sea level rise, more human health risks, lower crop yields.
What % of the Earth’s surface do wetlands cover and how much carbon do they store?
6-9% and up to 35% of the terrestrial carbon pool.
What has happened to wetland area in the US?
Has halved since 1600.
What does the destruction of wetlands lead to?
The transfer of huge amounts of stored C02 and CH4 to the atmosphere.
How much carbon can wetlands store per hectare annually?
3.25 tonnes c/ha/year
What wetland restoration projects are taking place in the UK?
up to 400 ha of grade 1 farmland in Cambridgeshire is being converted back to wetland. Government has aimed to restore 500 ha of wetland by 2020.
Describe the process of wetland restoration
Raising water tables to recreate water logged conditions. Reconnecting wetlands to rivers. Breaching sea defences. Diverting or blocking drainage ditches.