Key Words - Ice Flashcards
a slow moving mass of ice formed by accumulation of snow on mountains
freeze-thaw weathering
repeated cycles of freezing and thawing that can make cracks in bigger rocks
the sandpaper effect of glacial ice scouring a valley floor and sides
rocks are pulled from the valley floor as water freezes them to a glacier
rotational slip
slippage of ice along a curved surface
the pushing of deposited sediment by the snout of the glacier as it advances
sediment deposited by a glacier that is unsorted and angular
sediment deposited by meltwater that is well sorted and rounded in front of a glacier
armchair shaped hollow in the mountains life formed by glacial erosion, rotation slip and freeze-thaw weathering
this is where the valley glacier begins
a sharp, knife edged ridge formed between 2 corries cutting back by processed of erosion and freeze-thaw
pyramidal peak
where several corries cut back to meet a central point, the mountain takes the form of a steep pyramid
truncated spur
a former river valley spur which had been sliced off by valley glacier, forming steep edges
glacial trough
wide, steep sided valley eroded by a glacier
ribbon lake
a long narrow lake in the bottom of a glacial trough
hanging valley
a tributary glacial trough on the side of a main valley often with a waterfall
rocks transported and dumped by glacial ice to a different location, often hundreds of miles away
egg shaped hill of moraine material deposited in a glacial trough
frost shattered rock debris eroded from the valley floor and sides, transported and deposited by glaciers
lateral moraine
material forming low-ridges at either side of the glacier (mostly scree fallen from valley sides)
terminal moraine
material piled up at the snout of a glacier forming a ridge