Key Words Associated with Theorists/Key Themes Flashcards
What are the 4 lobes in the FOREBRAIN (Cerebral Cortex) and their primary functions:
Frontal Lobe: Motor Cortex, Broca’s Area (speech) and Prefrontal Cortex (Executive Functions, Emotion, Memory, Attention)
Parietal Lobe: Somatosensory Cortex (pressure, temp, pain, proprioception)
Temporal Lobe: Auditory Cortex, Wernicke’s Area (comprehension), retrieves/stores LT memory
Occipital Lobe: Visual perception, visual recognition and visual memory
Mental Research Institute (MRI)
- A Type of Family Therapy: Communication/Interaction Family Therapy
- Symmetrical Communication (quality/ ‘one-upping’ each other)
- Complementary Communication (inequality/maximizes differences; Dom/submissive)
What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs: Phenothiazine Thioxanthene Butyrophenone (Haloperidol)
- Traditional Antipsychotic Drugs
- What it’s for: + schizophrenia symptoms (mania, delusions, hallucinations
- How it Works: Block Dopamine Receptors - Side Effects: Anticholinergic, Extrapyramidal (TARDIVE DYKSKINSIA) and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Existential Therapy
- A Type of Humanistic Psychotherapy
- Inability to cope authentically with the ultimate concerns of existence
- therapist-client relationship = most important therapy tool
- A Type of Family Therapy - Extended Family Systems Therapy - Differentiation (separate intellect and emotion functioning) - Emotional Triangle - Multigenerational Transmission Process of lower differentiation ability - Genogram creation
- Type of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - Psychoanalysis - Analysis of Free Associations, Dreams, Resistances and Transferences - Defense Mechanisms (Repression, Reaction Formation, Projection) - Psychic Determinism (all Beh are meaningful/serve a psychological function)
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Antabuse
Anti-Alcohol Drugs: Disulfiram For: Alcohol Use Disorder Effects: Inhibits alcohol metabolism/creates build up in system Side Effects: Drowsiness, Depression, Disorientation, Impotence, Blood dyscrasia
Carbamazepine (purpose and side effects)
- Mood Stabilizer: Anticonvulsant Drug
- For: Mania and Bipolar that’s nonresponsive to Lithium
- Side Effects: Sx tolerance develops quickly (dizziness, ataxia, visual disturbances), potential cardiovascular effects
- Define the Key Differences between the 3 Organizational Theories:
- Scientific Management (Taylor)
- Human Relations Movement/Hawthorne Effect
- McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
- Scientific Management (Taylor): worker’s are motivated by self-interest, money primarily - Human Relations Movement/Hawthorne Effect: Productivity improved by novelty, interest and special attention - McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y: X managers believe workers hate work and must be controlled Y managers believe that workers find work natural and are able to self-direct/control
Prochaska and DiClemente
- A Type of Brief Therapy - The Transtheoretical Model - 6 Stages of Change (Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Termination) - 3 mediating variables (Decisional balance, Self-Efficacy, Temptation)
- Type of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - Object Relations Therapy
- Key Words:
- Separation-Individuation (begins 4-5 months old)
- Object Constancy
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Ziprasidone
- Olanzapine
- Risperidone
- Clozapine
- Aripiprazole
- Quetiapine
- Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs
- What it’s for: +/- schizophrenia Sx, Unresponsive Bipolar, Depression, Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Motor Sx of Parkinson’s/Huntington’s
- How it Works: Block Dopamine, Serotonin and Glutamate Receptors
- Side Effects: Anticholinergic, Extrapyramidal (LESS LIKELY TO CAUSE TARDIVE DYKSKINSIA) and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Agranulocytosis
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Dexamphetamine Sulphate
- Psychostimulants: Amphetamines
- For: ADHD, Narcolepsy
- Effects: Increases release of Norepinephrine/Dopamine and blocks their reuptake
- Side Effects: Restlessness, poor appetite, insomnia, sensitization with repeated use
Solutions Focused Therapy
- A Type of Brief Therapy
- Client is expert
- 3 questions (Miracle Q, Exception Q, Scaling Q)
- A Type of Family Therapy - Structural Family Therapy
- Boundaries (rules that determine contact)
- 3 Rigid Triads (Detouring, Stable Coalition, Triangulation)
- Therapy Techniques: Joining, Evaluating Structure, Restructuring
Motivational Interviewing
- A Type of Brief Therapy
- OARS (Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflective Listening, Summaries)
Object Relations Family Therapy
- A Type of Family Therapy
- Maladaptive Bx due to: Intrapsychic and interpersonal factors
- Projective Identification (projects old introjects onto a family member and reacts towards them as if they actually had those characteristics)
- Multiple Transferences
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Isocarboxazid
- Phenelzine
- Tranylcyromine
- Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI’s)
- What it’s for: Atypical Sx of Depression (Anxiety, reverse vegetative Sx, Interpersonal Sensitivity)
- How it Works: Inhibits enzyme Monoamine Oxidase (involved in deactivating Dopamine, Serotonin and Norepinephrine)
- Sedative-Hypnotics
- For: Anxiety, produces no sedation
- Side Effects: Non-addiction forming, takes weeks for effects, not subject to abuse
Klerman and Weissman
- A Type of Brief Therapy - Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)
- 4 primary problem areas (unresolved grief, interpersonal role disputes, role transitions, interpersonal deficits)
Lithium (purpose and side effects)
- Mood Stabilizer
- For: Bipolar Disorder (Classic w/ manic and rapid cycling mood)
- Side Effects: Toxicity with high dose, gastro issues, fine hand tremor, polyoria, polydispsia
Carl Rogers
- A Type of Humanistic Psychotherapy - Person-Centered Therapy
- People have innate self-actualization tendency
- 3 facilitative conditions (unconditional positive regard, genuineness, accurate empathic understanding)
- Avoidance of direct techniques
William Glasser
- A Type of Humanistic Psychotherapy - Reality Therapy
- 5 basic needs that serve as motivation (survival, love/belonging, power, freedom, fun)
- Success identity/failure identity
- Mental illness is a choice
- Describe Functions of the following structures in the HINDBRAIN/BRAIN STEM:
- Medulla
- Pons
- Cerebellum
- Medulla: Vital functions
- Pons: Integration of left/right side movement (connects both halves of cerebellum)
- Cerebellum: Balance, posture, coordination, refined movement, shifting attention, sensorimotor learning
- Type of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - Individual Psychology
- Teleological Approach
- Style of Life (health vs. mistaken)
- Lifestyle investigation to determine style of life
- Sedative-Hypnotics
- For: High Blood Pressure, Angina, Heart disorders, Migraines
- Effect: Block Beta-Adrenergic Receptors
What are the 5 areas of the Spinal Chord from Head to Toe
*HINT: TLS is in a CC sandwich
- Cervical (damage causes quadriplegia/tetraplegia)
- Thoracic (damage causes paraplegia)
- Lumbar
- Sacral
- Coccygeal
Parkinson’s Disease
- Progressive degeneration of dopamine-containing cells in the substantia nigra (Unknown cause)
- Risk factors: exposures to toxins
- Positive Sx: Tremors at rest, muscle rigidity, akathisia (cruel restlessness)
- Negative Sx: Postural Disturbances, speech difficulties, bradykinesia (slowed movement), akinesia (lowered/absence of spontaneous movement)
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Ritalin
- Concerta
- Metadate
- Psychostimulants: Methylphenidate
- For: ADHD
- Effects: Increases release of Norepinephrine/Dopamine and blocks their reuptake
- Side effects: Reduced appetite, dysphoria, tachycardia, ‘drug holiday’ needed to avoid suppression (Sx quickly come back when stopped)
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Diazepam
- Alprazolam
- Oxazepam
- Triazolam
- Chlordiazepoxide
- Lorazepam
- Sedative-Hypnotics: Benzodiazepines
- For: Anxiety, Sleep Disturbances, Seizures, Alcohol Withdrawal, Cerebral Palsy
- Effects: Stimulate inhibitory effect of GABA
- Side Effects: Drowsiness, ataxia, anterograde amnesia, ABRUPT CESSATION = REBOUND HYPEREXCITABILITY (seizure, depersonalization, panic, stroke)
George Kelly
- A Type of Humanistic Psychotherapy - Personal Construct Therapy
- Construing (perceives, interprets, predicts)
- Personal Constructs (bipolar constructs - happy/sad)
- Trying on different personal constructs
Behavioural Family Therapy
- A Type of Family Therapy
- Based on operant conditioning, social learning theory, and social exchange therapy
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Amobarbital
- Pentobarbital
- Secobarbital
- Phenobarbital
- Sedative-Hypnotics: Barbiturate’s
- For: Sedation and Anesthetic
- Effects: Interrupts impulses in the RAS
- Side Effects: Slurred speech, decrease REM, overdose can cause death, creates physical dependence, severe withdrawal
- Krumboltz’s Social-Learning Theory Focuses on career decision-making and that these decisions are influenced by 4 factors:
- genetic endowment/abilities
- environmental conditions
- learning experiences
- task skills
- **Focus on continual development NOT specific matching
Acculturation (4 stages)
- 1) Integration (Maintains Min Culture, Incorporates some Dom)
- 2) Assimilation (Yes Dom Culture, No Min Culture)
- 3) Separation (No Dom Culture, Yes Min Culture)
- 4) Marginalization (Identifies with none)
- Type of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - Analytical Psychotherapy
- Collective Unconscious
- Archetypes
- Individuation (incorporation of unconscious and conscious to form unique identity)
Huntington’s Disease
- Inherited degenerative disease due to autosomal dominant gene
- Offspring have 50% chance of having disorder
- Linked to lowered GABA
- Emotion Sx: Depression, Apathy, Anxiety, Antisocial, Forgetfulness
- Physical Sx: Clumsiness, Fidgeting, Facial Grimaces, “piano playing” movements
Atkinson, Morten, Sue (Hint CDRII)
Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
- Conformity
- Dissonance
- Resistance/Immersion
- Introspection
- Integrative Awareness
Cultural vs. Functional Paranoia
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Fluoxetine
- Fluvoxamine
- Paroxetine
- Sertraline
- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s)
- What it’s for: Depression/Melancholic, Panic, PTSD, Bulimia, OCD
- How it Works: Blocks reuptake of serotonin
- Side Effects: GASTRO DISTURBANCES, ANXIETY, ANOREXIA, sexual dysfunction, headache
Group Therapy - 3 Formative Stages:
- (a) Orientation, Hesitant Participation, Search for Meaning, Dependency;
- (b) Conflict, Dominance, Rebellion;
- (c) Development of Cohesiveness
Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model
- Sensitization/Feeling Different
- Self-Recognition/Identity Confusion
- Identity Assumption
- Commitment/Identity Integration
- What class, purpose, effect and side effects are the following drugs:
- Amitriptyline
- Notriptyline
- Doxepin
- Imipramine
- Clomipramine
- Tricyclics (TCA)
- What it’s for: Depression, Panic, Agoraphobia, Bulimia, OCD, Enuresis and Neuropathic Pain
- How it Works: Blocks reuptake of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine
- Side Effects: CARDIOVASULAR SX, PARETHESIA (pins and needles), Anticholinergic Effects, weight gain