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Gerstmann’s Syndrome is characterized by:
-damage to left (dominant) parietal lobe - dysgraphia, finger agnosia, acalculia, and right-left disorientation.
When do you use a split-plot (mixed) design?
When the study has at least one between-groups variable and one within-subjects variable.
An ipsative score indicates:
the relative strength of an examinee’s status or performance on the various scales of the test.
When do you use Multiple Discriminant Function Analysis?
when multiple predictors will be used to classify individuals into one of three or more criterion groups.
In terms of the serial position effect, define the primacy effect
The ability to recall items in the beginning of the list due to the fact that these items have been transferred from short- to long-term memory
Jealousy, empathy, and embarassment are among the first self-conscious emotions exhibited by young children. At what age does this occur?
18 - 24 months of age
Early studies on in-group preferences found that children typically demonstrate preferences for members of their own ethnic/racial group and gender by about age _______.
4 or 5 years old.
The primary goals of George Kelly’s personal construct therapy are to _________
Identify and then revise the client’s maladaptive personal constructs so that he/she makes better predictions about events and other people.
Egan and Perry’s (2001) multidimensional model of gender identity consists of five components - membership knowledge, gender typicality, gender contentedness, felt pressure, and:
intergroup bias.
According to Piaget, what are Tertiary Circular Reactions? And at What age do they occur?
Tertiary circular reactions predominate from ages 12 to 18 months and involve varying an original action on an external object to see what happens.
For simple tasks (e.g., an automated production line), _______ communication networks tend to be more effective.
The Stroop Color-Word Association Test was developed as a:
measure of response inhibition.
A meta-analysis of the research conducted by Roberts, Walton, and Viechtbauer (2006) found that scores on which of the following personality traits continue to increase into later adulthood?
agreeableness and conscientiousness
How did Piaget describe Transductive Reasoning? And in what stage did it appear?
- Preoperational Stage
- It refers to reasoning characterized by a tendency to move from one particular case to another particular case without taking the general into account (e.g., I had bad thoughts about my mom; she got sick; therefore, my thoughts made her sick)
The item discrimination index ranges in value from:
-1.0 to +1.0
When do you use the Spearman rho correlation?
when data on both variables are ranks.
What does higher-order conditioning involve?
using a CS as an US in order to establish a CR for a second CS.
What are the Symptoms of the first (early) stage of Alzheimer’s?
impaired attention and judgment, anterograde amnesia, and indifference or sadness
Raising the predictor cutoff score _____
-decreases the number of true and false positives -increases the number of true and false negatives.
By ___________, children understand that a person’s beliefs about a situation may be false and that the person will act upon the false belief rather than the reality of the situation.
four to five years of age
Describe the difference (in example language) between Associative Agnosia vs. Apperceptive Agnosia?
Associative Agnosia: cannot name a familiar object she sees but may know what it is used for and can copy or match a drawing of the object.
Apperceptive Agnosia: cannot name a familiar object she sees but may recognize it when it is placed in her hand and cannot copy or match a drawing of the object.
A test with even a low or moderate validity coefficient can improve decision-making accuracy when the _________________
selection ratio is low (e.g., .05) and the base rate is moderate (near .50).
What is Anosognosia?
Failure to recognize one’s own neurological symptoms (e.g., paralysis)
______ has been identified as a method for reducing biases in testing that contribute to group differences in test scores. Its advocates argue that it is an effective way for reducing __________.
- Banding
- adverse impact
Conduction aphasia is:
- It is the result of damage to the arcuate fasciculus which connects Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas
- involves the inability to repeat what one has just heard and to name familiar objects without a loss of comprehension
A reliability coefficient of .6 accounts for ____ of the variability in test’s true score variability
Tiedeman and O’Hara’s (1963) theory of career development was most influenced by the work of:
Erikson and Piaget. It views career development as being an aspect of ego identity development and as a process that continues throughout the lifespan.
Semantic memory is ________
memory for factual knowledge
When do you use a Randomized Block Design?
When at least one of the IVs is a blocking (extraneous) variable, and subjects within each block are randomly assigned to levels of another IV.
As a treatment for alcohol dependence, naltrexone (ReVia) exerts its therapeutic effects by blocking the craving for and reinforcing effects of alcohol. What are it’s side effects?
abdominal cramping, nausea, insomnia, nervousness, and headache
What is ‘fading’ (operant conditioning)?
the gradual removal of prompts.
Episodic memory is _______
memory for personally experienced events
What are the characteristic symptoms of Opiod Withdrawal?
dysphoric mood, nausea or vomiting; muscle aches; lacrimation or rhinorrhea; pupillary dilation, piloerection, or sweating; diarrhea; yawning; fever; and insomnia.
**Hallucinations and illusions are not characteristic symptoms of this disorder.
Many antipsychotic drugs are believed to exert their therapeutic effects primarily by blocking dopamine receptors (especially D2 receptors) in the brain. An exception is found in which antipsychotic drug? And Why?
Clozapine seems to have limited effects on D2 receptors and, instead, affects D4 and other dopamine receptors as well as serotonin and glutamate receptors.
Expectancy theory distinguishes between three beliefs that affect motivation, what are they?
expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.
In principal component analysis, what is an eigenvalue measuring?
the total amount of variability explained by that component
Avoidant Personality Disorder is characterized by
a pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation.
People with this disorder avoid interpersonal contact because they fear criticism, but they desire intimacy and often fantasize about idealized relationships.
When does auditory localization become first apparent?
Some auditory localization is evident soon after birth, but this ability seems to disappear between two and four months of age and then reappears and gradually improves during the first year of life.
In terms of test data and materials, what can you release when the clients signs permission to do so?
You can provide test data, but cannot release test material.
A person is exhibiting the actor-observer effect when he/she tends to:
view the behavior of others as due to dispositional factors and his/her own behaviors as due to situational factors.
What are the Symptoms of the third (late) stage of Alzheimer’s?
apathy, incontinence, and an inability to recognize close relatives and friends
What structural brain abnormalities have been linked with Schizophrenia?
- Enlargement of the lateral and 3rd ventricles - Smaller-than-normal Hippocampus, Amygdala and Globus Pallidus
When using the Premack Principle, a ____________ is used to reinforce a _________ in order to increase the frequency of the ______________.
(a) high probability behavior (b) low probability behavior (c) low probability behavior.
What are the symptoms of Akathisia?
subjective feeling of restlessness accompanied by stereotypical motor movements such as fidgeting, pacing, or foot tapping.
When do you use a multiple regression?
when multiple predictors will be used to predict a score on a single criterion.
What is prosopagnosia?
Inability to recognize familiar faces
The serial position effect refers to:
the tendency to recall items in the beginning and end of a word list better than the items in the middle of the list.
Functional and structural brain imaging techniques have linked ADHD to abnormalities in several areas of the brain , specifically within ____________
Smaller and lower-than-normal levels of metabolic activity in the: -right frontal lobe (especially the prefrontal cortex) -caudate nucleus -globus pallidus (structures of the basal ganglia)
Piaget described moral development in terms of:
two stages – heteronomous and autonomous.
- Heteronomous: focus on the consequences of an act.
- Autonomous: view rules as being socially agreed-upon and alterable when people who are governed by them agree to the change.
Describe the Multiple Hurdle Technique.
multiple hurdle technique involves administering selection measures one at a time, with each successive measure (hurdle) being administered only when the applicant has been successful on the previous one. The first hurdle is designed to eliminate the least qualified applicants.
When is the chi-square test used for a single sample?
to compare nominal (frequency) data – i.e., the number of observations in each category.
What are the 3 components of Sterberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence?
Analytical, Creative, Practical
What type of work rotations are most detrimental and why?
Weekly rotations are generally most detrimental because they do not allow resynchronization of circadian rhythms (which slow rotations do) and are long enough to allow for the build up of a sleep deficit (which fast rotations do not do).
Specificity refers to:
the correct identification of true negatives
Absence seizures are characterized by: (and what area in the brain do they begin)
an altered level of consciousness without significant motor symptoms. Thalamus
________________ is considered more flexible than __________ since it can be used when the data violate some of the assumptions of ___________ (e.g., the assumptions of linearity, normality, and/or homogeneity of variances).
- Logistic regression
- discriminanant analysis
- discriminanant analysis
What is the characteristic feature of Korsakoff syndrome?
characterized by disproportionate memory deficits relative to other types of cognitive impairment
When do you use a linear regression?
when a single predictor will be used to predict or estimate a score on a single criterion.
On a conjunctive task, the group product is:
limited by the contribution of the worst-performing member.
When is a t-test for a single sample used?
to compare an obtained sample mean to a known population mean.
When using the MMPI-2, how do you determine if the client was attempting to ‘fake bad’
Elevated F scale score with low L and K scale scores.
Conversion Disorder involves:
a disturbance in voluntary motor or sensory functioning that suggests a serious neurological or other medical condition with evidence of an incompatibility between the symptom and recognized neurological and medical conditions.
What are the negative Sx of Schizophrenia?
-Restriction in the range and intensity of emotions -Blunted emotion expression -Anhedonia (decreased ability to experience pleasure) - Asociality (lack of interest in social interactions) - Alogia (Diminished speech output) - Avolition (Restricted initiation of goal-directed behaviour)
According to Hersey and Blanchard, a selling leader is best for:
employees who are low in ability but high in motivation.