Key words Flashcards
res publica
the republic; form of government where Senate rule Rome
patrician family
aristocratic families who could trace ancestors to early days of Rome
plebeian family
Roman families who were not patricians; originally seen as a lower class
families who have had a consul in their family
‘knights’ - a social rank which grew in wealth through the opportunities offered by Rome’s expansion
novus homo
‘new man’
someone who had managed to become consul, even though no one in his family had previously done so
cursus honorum
the ladder of political positions in Rome; elected each year
2 consuls each year, oversaw the running of the senate
position awarded in a crisis to one man but he consuls for 6 months
senators who looked to gain power by making improvements to the lives of the people of Rome
senators who worked to maintain the status quo politically and socially
alliance between families designed to further their success (often secured through marriages)
bad relationship between families- hostility caused by disagreement
philosophy influencing the ideas of many Roman senatros; reason and soul should be seen as more important than body; Stoics show endurance and moral behaviour
committee of 3 men set up in 60 BC - Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus formed it themselves to support each other with their political goals
Tiberius Gracchus
- popularis
- tribune of the plebs in 133BC
- wanted land distributed to those who has lost theirs when serving army
- killed by senators
Gaius Marius
- Novus Homo
- Roman general
- Originally from the Equestrian class
- Served as consul 7 tinmes
- in charge of a conspiracy to change the established order of Roman republic
- attracted immoral supporters
- Novus homo
- famous Orator
- As consul charged Cataline conspirators with death
- Military commander and statseman
- gained popularity through military successes
- successful general who opposed Sulla
- Consul in 70 BC
- Initially drew up alliance with Caesar
- Responsible for changing senates mind in executing cat aline conspirators
- optimate
- stoic
- consul