Key Words 5 Flashcards
Blood clots, thrombosis
Seizure Precautions
Designed to protect patient from injury
Bleeding precautions
Avoid sharp objects, no tampons, no rectal temp
Critical Thinking
Active purposeful organized cognitive process, which is used to examine one’s thinking and the thinking of others
Perineal Care
procedure for cleaning anal and genital areas as part of daily bath or after procedures
the effects of rubbing or the resistance of which the moving body meets as it moves, a force that occurs to oppose movement
separation of the edges of a wound and reveals the underlying tissues
Tissue Ischemia
tissues receive insufficient oxygen and perfusion
Comes close edges of wound
Granulation tissue
soft pink fleshly projections of tissue that form during healing process in a wound not healing by primary intention
difficulty swallowing
all chemical processes that take place in living organisms, results in growth and generation of energy, elimination of water and other functions that are concerned with the distribution of energy
chemicals your liver makes when there is not enough insulin to turn sugar into energy
the softening or breakdown of the skin from prolonged exposure of moisture or short exposure to urine
Body mass index
kg/ht x m2
Water soluble vitamins
vitamins the body uses water to process
Bulimia Nervosa
eating & body image disorder, binge & purge
force exerted against the skin while skin stays stationary and the bony structures move
thick layer of dead dry tissue that covers a pressure ulcer or thermal burn
indicates temporary restriction of blood flow to that area, skin becomes pale
Pressure Ulcer
bed sores, inflammation in the skin over a bony prominence
Food security
All members of the household have sufficient access to nutritious food to maintain a healthy household
lack of proper nutrition caused by not having enough to eat or not eating the right things, or being unable to utilize the nutrients that one does eat
Enteral nutrition (EN)
provision of nutrients through GI tract, when the patient cannot ingest or swallow food. Via NE tube
Parenteral Nutrition (PN)
nutrients into the vascular system