Key Terms Flashcards
Hitler policy - Gleichschaltung
Coordination, Bringing into line
German aim of pursuing territorial expansion in order to gain ‘Living space’ for the German people
Hitler Policy - Volksgermainschaft
“People’s community” nazi concept of entailing unity of all members of the “racial” community who adhered to Nazi Ideology and race. Ayrans would belong, non Aryans would not.
Many centres of power. Power is shared between many different bases. Often these bases will complete with each other for power.
Cumulative Radicalisation
The Process by which policies in Nazi Germany became more and more extreme due to the widespread desire to impress Hitler/gain power by making the most radical suggestion.
Charismatic Leadership
Leadership based on victories (against unemployment, etc). These victories have to keep happening for the regime to sustain support.
Chaotic, Feudal competition
Dr Flint’s way of describing the governing style of the Nazi State.
2nd Reich: Weltpolitik
“World Politics” - German policy of becoming a great power/empire
2nd Reich : Flottenpolitik
German policy of building a navy to rival that of Britain and become a dominant naval power
2nd Reich : Sammlingspolitik
“Politics of Concentration” - Von Bulow’s aim to build an alliance of conservative interests within the 2nd Reich between conservatives, liberals, Junkers and industrialists. Which would present a broad front against the threat of socialism. `
2nd Reich - Burgfriede/n
Concept, created during WW1, of national unity based on shared suffering. Used to unite Germany
2nd Reich - Siegfriede
The belief that Germany was fighting for a victory of peace. That annexations of territory and to establish supremacy in Europe were Germany’s aims in WW1
2nd Reich - Defensive War
The Belief that Germany was fighting a war for the main purpose of defending itself other nations (SDP held this view)