1933-39 dates Flashcards
Hitler becomes chancellor
Jan 1933
Enabling act
March 1933
First concentration camp set up at Dachau
March 1933
Boycott of jewish shops
April 1933
Night of the Long Knives
June 1934
Death of President Hindenburg
August 1934
Plebiscite to approve Hitler’s new powers
August 1934
Saar returned to Germany
Jan 1935
Hitler announces German rearmament and return to military conscription
March 1935
Troops sent into demilitarised Rhineland
March 1936
Anschluss with Austria
March 1938
Sudetenland crisis
September 1938
November 1938
Czech crisis
March 1939
Blitzkrieg on Poland
September 1939
Speech to the nation from the Sport’s Palace in Berlin where Hitler made it clear his intention was to destroy the “Marxist Threat”?
February 1933
Marburg Speech
June 1934
Creation of the Reich Security Head Office which centralised all security and police organisations
Creation of the Reich Ministry of Popular Enlightenment and propaganda with Goebbels at its head?
March 1933
when was the German Labour Front (DAF) created?
May 1933