Key terms Flashcards
The rightful use of power in accordance with pre-set criteria or widely held agreements- like the govs right to rule after an election is held
Direct democracy
All individuals express their opinions themselves and not through representatives acting on their behalf
Representative democracy
An individual selects a person to act in their behalf to exercise a political choice
Pluralist democracy
Type of democracy in which a gov makes decisions based on arguments from diff groups
Democratic deficit
A flaw in the democratic process where decisions are taken by people who lack legitimacy
Participation crisis
A lack of engagement by a big number of people
Refer to the ability to vote in elections
Think tanks
A body of experts brought together to focus on certain topics and offer solutions
Paid by clients to try and influence the government and mps
Old labour
nationalisation + redistribution of wealth Thatcherite free market reforms.
New labour
Revision of the traditional labour values a less robust alliance with trade unions not only cared about working class
One nation
Paternalist approach the rich have an obligation to help the poor
New right
More authorisation approach to morality and law or endorse rolling back of state in lives and business
Classical liberals
Freedom achieved with state playing a minimal role
Modern liberals
Against free market capitalism
Party systems
The way in which parties are structured and grouped
Left wing
People who desire change reform for society and capitalism
Right wing
Little or no change stressing the need for order stability and hierarchy
Person with the most votes is elected
additional member system
Two elements- selects a representative and then a second vote for an additional representative
Supplementary vote
If no one receives over 50% the top 2 candidates are chosen and then revoted
Single transferable vote
Rank voting preferences In numerical order and then votes are transferred
Safe seat
A seat in which a candidate has a considerable majority
Marginal seat
Small majority held
Minority gov
A government that doesn’t have the majority of seats
Coalition gov
A government that is formed by one or more political parties
Class realignment
Individuals no longer identify themselves as belonging to a certain class and fail to make a class connection with their voting pattern
Partisan realignment
Individuals no longer identify themselves on a long term basis with a political party
Governing competency
The perceived ability of the governing party in office to manage the affairs of the state well and effectively
Disillusion and apathy
A process of disengagement with politics and political activity
A party will spell out what actions and programmes it would like to put in place
The successful party following an election claims it has the authority to implement its manifesto promises and general permission to govern
Explains the rightful use of power including the governments right to rule following an election
Explains a system where individuals select a person on their behalf
Representative democracy
Term that describes a problem in the political process where decisions are taken by people who have been appointed with insufficient democratic input or means of holding them to account
Democratic deficit
Term that reflects where individuals express their opinions themselves and not through those they elect
Direct democracy
Term for group of people who investigate issues and offer solutions
Think tank
Term that reflects the ability of the right to vote
Term that refers to a concerning state in UK politics where people are choosing not to vote
Participation crisis
A person or organisation paid by clients to act on their behalf to Try and persuade MPS or lords
Term that refers to a system of government decisions as a result of listening to and responding to a wide array of competing groups and organisations
Pluralist democracy
Paternalist conservatism that means to rich have obligation to the poor
One nation
An idea that reflects a reaction against free market capitalism
Modern liberalism
Term that refers to those who desire change and reform to society
Left wing
A revision of Labour Party values
New labour
Political philosophy of two strands one wants a bigger state and another wants a small state
New right
Philosophy that believes freedom is best achieved with the gov /state playing a small and limited role
Classical liberalism
Term that refers to the way political parties are grouped and structured
Party system
Term to refer to those who support little need for change
Right wing
Body of thinking in the Labour Party that supports a bigger economic and social role for the government
Old labour
Term that refers to a gov that is formed from not than one political party
Voting system where voters get two votes
Additional member system
Term that means the sitting candidate has a considerable majority over their nearest rival so is largely immune from swings in voter choice
Safe seat
Voting system in which voters have two preference votes candidates win by winning 50% of expressed preferences
Supplementary vote
A voting system where voters rank candidates in preference
Single transferable vote
The term refers to a seat where the incumbent has a small majority
Marginal seat
An election system where who wins the most vote wins the seat
A term for a government that may struggle to pass its legislation due to being only the biggest single party in parliament
Minority government
Term refers to process where individuals no longer identify themselves in a long term basis bc being associated with a certain political party
Partisan de alignment
Where political parties spell out in detail what actions and programmes it would like to put in place for the next election
A term referring to the process where individuals no longer identify poli to ally through the social or economic position they hold
Class de alignment
Term referring to the perceived ability of the governing party to manage the affairs of the state well and effectively
Governing competency
The authority claimed by a winning party to govern the country and to implement the promises made at the election
Term referring to the disengagement with politics and political activity some feel who no longer have confidence in mps
Disillusion and apathy