Key Statements and Case Law Flashcards
Levitt Review 2021
Lack of clarity, structure, purpose
Bichard Review 2021
-greater focus on public interest
-greater self regulation for statutory related functions
-focus on diversity and inclusion
-support for regional and younger members
-simplified governance structure
-independent 5 yearly review of RICS
-social issues (sustainability, climate change)
RICS Professional Statement: Conflicts of Interest 2017
-‘A member must not advise or represent a client where doing so would involve a conflict of interest or a significant risk of a conflict of interest’
-Must seek informed consent
-Records must be kept to show compliance with statement
RICS Professional Statement, Conflicts of Interest – UK Commerical Property Market Investment Agency, 2017
- As of January 2018, dual agency must not be undertaken – where agent has contractual agency relationship with buyer and seller
- Multiple introductions – where agent has competing contractual relationships with several buyers – must state in ToE if exclusive or non exclusive agreement
- Personal interest – must declare all facts promptly and not let professional judgement be compromised
RICS Guidance Note on Complaints Handling, 2016
- Firms CHP must be approved by RICS and made available to any client with terms of engagement.
- Inform PII straight away from complaint as could lead to claim of negligence.
- CHP must include a RICS approved Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and keep a complaints log
- In house (acknowledged in 7 days, investigated in 28) stage 2 (ADR Third Party Resolution).
RICS Guidance Note – Risk, Liability and Insurance, 2021
Recommend the use of liability caps to manage risks
Aware of third party reliance, advice can only be relied upon by the client named in the ToE.
RICS Professional Standard ‘Client Money Handling’ 1st Edition, 2019
You know the guidance
Bribery Act 2010
Based on 6 principles:
1. Proportionality
2. Top level commitment
3. Risk assessment
4. Due diligence
5. Communication
6. Monitoring and review
Four offences:
1. Bribing
2. Receiving a bribe
3. Bribing a foreign public official
4. Failing to prevent bribery
Firms anti-bribery procedures must be registered
Act policed by the Serious Fraud Office – can be penalty of 10 years imprisonment and or an unlimited fine for individuals. Companies face unlimited fine.
Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations, 2017 (as amended in 2022)
Sets out the key requirements for money laundering for companies to comply with.
1. Written money laundering and terrorist financial risk assessment
2. Systems to address money laundering
3. Appropriate internal controls
4. Staff training
5. Enhanced due diligence checks
6. Requirements relating to politically exposed personals (PEP’s)
7. Record keeping, policies and procedures
8. AML checks to confirm identity of proposed purchaser of a property and check their source fo funds
9. Include high risk factors when assessing the need for enhanced DD and extra info in some situations e.g. parties based in high risk countries
Estate Agents Money Laundering Requirements
Money laundering check have to be undertaken on new clients and counter part:
If rent is above £8,400 threshold per month
Customer due diligence – Identity
Enhanced due diligence – if red flags occur e.g. high risk countries, non-face to face business relationships
If they say no – you cannot proceed with them
Max acceptance of cash is £8,400
* 14 years prison sentence and/or unlimited fine for assisting with money laundering
* Max. 5 years prison and/or unlimited fine for tipping off a person by informing them they are under suspicion or failing to report
Proceeds of Crime Act 2022
Provides powers for UK enforcement authorities to recover money and assets which are deemed to be proceeds of crimes.
RICS Professional Statement: Countering Bribery, Corruption, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, 2019
Part 1: Must not accept anything that could constitute a bribe, have procedures in place, due diligence and records
Part 2: Guidance setting out good practice
Written policy for senior management, code for staff behaviour, gifts register, encourage transparency
Part 3: Supplementary guidance
Enhanced DD on PEP
Always identify beneficiary ownership of a company, partnership or trust
RICS Guidance Note ‘ Surveying Safely – Health and Safety Principles for Property Professionals’ Second Edition, 2018 (effective 2019)
8 sections:
-personal responsibilities
-assessing hazards and risks
-workplace health and safety
-occupational hygiene and health
-visiting premises and sites
-fire safety
-residential property surveying
-procurement and management of contractors
The ‘Six Pack’ of Health and Safety Regulations,1993
- Management of health and safety at work
- Display screen equipment
- Manual handling operations
- PPE at work
- Provision and use of work equipment
- Workplace health, safety and welfare
The Fire Safety Act, 2021
For multi-occupied residential buildings.
Requires all responsible persons to assess, manage and reduce the fire risks posed by the structure, external walls and any common areas of the building.
Eg. lift inspections, evacuation plans, fire door compliance