Key Issues For Society Flashcards
Relative poverty
having resources below the average individual or family, so that one is in effect excluded from what we would consider ordinary living patterns and activities
Absolute poverty
a state below which is not possible to live a healthy life, being unable to afford sufficient food, clothing, warmth and shelter
Poverty trap
once in poverty, it is difficult to get out of it
Cycle of deprivation
where children are born into poor families with backgrounds of social problems, who then go on to cohabit or marry one another, have children and the cycle begins
a persons regular trade or profession - in other words the job that they do
Economically active
people aged 16 years or over who are either employed or are unemployed but want to work
Economically inactive
those aged 16 years or over who are of work, and are either not seeking work or unavailable to start work
Social stigma
severe social disapproval of personal characteristics or beliefs that are against cultural norms
Food desert
a poor urban area where residents cannot afford to buy or have a limited choice of healthy food
Employment service advisor
gives advice to an unemployed person usually at a job centre
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
makes it unlawful to discriminate against disabled people in connection with employment
the lack of employment; the inability to find work
a person or group of people who are blamed for something that is not their fault
New Deal
a wide number of schemes for different groups of people who are unemployed and claiming benefit. they offer intensive support to find work, give subsided employment opportunities and specialist training.
Social exclusion
Jobseeker’s Allowance
available for those under retirement age who are out of work or working less than 16 hours a week on average. to qualify, claimants must be available for work, able to work and actively seeking work.