Key concepts REPRO Flashcards
GnRH works via Gq
Hormones that share similar structure(4)?
-What makes them diffrent?
-Mecanism of action
-FSH,LH,TSH,hCG. Heterodimers
-Same alpha,diffrent Beta chain
-All function** cAMP**
Male penile nerve involment:
1.Erection parasympathetic nervous system (pelvic splanchnic nerves,S2-S4):
* NO–>Incr cGMP–>smooth muscle relaxation–> vasodilation–> pro-erectile.
*Norepinephrine–>Incr[Ca2+] –>in smooth muscle contraction–> vasoconstriction –>antierectile.
2.Emission—sympathetic nervous system (hypogastric nerve,T11-L2).
3.Expulsion—visceral and somatic nerves (pudendal nerve).
Where is your Sertoli cells found and what do they form??
**-Edges of semineforous tubules and form Blood-Testis Barrier. **
-Only see inflamatory cell, NO bacteria—> no muramic acid makes the peptidoglygan wall
Differential diagnosis of rash on palms and soles??(3 types)
Maculopapulo rash–>Syphylis, TSS(S.Aureus),S.Pyeogenes
Vesicular–>Cocksackie Hand-Mouth and Fouth syndrome
Petechial–>Ricketsia in wrist and ankles
In Inguinal hernia surgeries what structure superior to spermatic cord should we isolate first>
Ilio-ingunal nerve (L1)–>supplies sensation to inner thigh and scrotum.
What nerves are involved in cremasteric reflex and what abd muscle does it originate from?
Afferent:Ilio-inginal nerve (L1)
Efferent: Genitofemoral (L1-L2)
-Internal oblique muscle.
What muscle contarcts and causes wrinkle app of scrotum
What muscle contributes to inguinal canal
-Dartos muscle
-External obligue muscles
Complication of MUMP virus
-Pancreatitis, Parotid inflam.Orchitis–>Infertility and Aseptic meningitis.
-Can also lead to HYPOGONADISM–>Infertility (LOW testosterone,High LH and FSH)
A 22-year-old man comes to the infertility clinic because he and his wife have been trying to conceive for the past year without success. Three years ago he had an illness marked by fever, and swelling in his face, followed by tender swelling of his testicles. He immigrated from a developing country two years ago and did not receive routine medical care as a child. His** breasts are enlarged and mildly tender. **
Whats the infection?
Mumps infection.
How does cortisol causes irregular menstruation ans where?
-Messing with GnRH
-Seen in Cushions
What does haloperidol and risperidone do?
-Anti-psycotics will inhibits Dopamine–>incr Prolactin.
Craniopharingioma app microscopy?
-Motor oily app.
What type of hypothyroidism?
-1* hypothyrodism–> you see incr TSH
Female present with abnormal white plaques… Microscopy was done and are neoplastic vulvar disorders. Identify
Left: HPV ass SCC
Right: Non-HPV ass SCC of culva.You see hyper keratosis
Multiple sexual partner female, over 20 yrs progression lesion on cervix
Synonym of posterior zone in lobe?
**Peripheral zone. **
How do you differentiate between
Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Bartholian cyst
-Ass conditions that may present similar as vulvar pathology?
-Autoimmune dis (T cell infiltration)–> Atrophic vaginitis (Epi is thin and DERMIS is SCLEROSIS). Ass post-menopuasal (decr estrogen).INCR risk of SCC.Porcenian white/purple plaques.
-Chronic scrating due to pruritis–>HYPERPLASIA of tissues. Described as leukplaquia ( whites leathery skin)
-Bartholian cyst: fluid filled space due to obstruction of Bartholian gland–>can lead to abscess (due to Gonorrhea–>inflam. –>ass reproductive females)
-Poriasis, Lichen Planus, SCC.
Differentiate between:
SCC of vulva HPV and NON-HPV related
Extra-mamary Paget dis.
HPV: younge age, RF: sexually active, multiple sexual partners and early coiter
NON-HPV: Chronic Lichen Sclerosus: >70 yrs.
-Erythema, Pruritis and ulcer.
What are your vaginal tumors?
SCC of vagina (ass??)
Sarcoma Boytroides (age)
Vaginal Adenocarcinoma (ass?)
Vesiculo-uretral reflex
Most common cause in males
Most common cause in children
-Anything that causes reflux of urine up to kidneys.
Most commonly due to** prostatic urethral valve remmanat–> leads to backflow (vesiculo-uretral reflux)–>BILATERAL Hydronephrosis and recurrent UTI**
Most comm cause in children is **ureter-pelvic junction abnormality. **–>abn ureter opening in bladder–>when it fills it dosent close complely.
What causes a mother complaining that her child has urine coming out of the umbilicus?
-Urachus remmanant (persistent urachus)–>umbilicus remains connected to bladder
RF for
-Urothelial carcinoma
-SCC of bladder
Painless hematuria,NO cast
-Phenacetin, Smoking, Amine dyes, Cyclophosphomide (Pee SAC)
-TP53 depended(invasive) and **non-dependet **(less malignant)
-4’s–> Smoking, Schisotoma, Recurrent stones,Chronic cystitis.–>chronic irritation.