Key Concepts Flashcards
What is majority influence?
Conforming to the norms of a majority group.
What is informational conformity?
Change in opinion or behaviour when we conform to those we think have accurate information.
What is normative conformity?
When we conform to society’s norms for fear of being judged if we don’t.
What is collective behaviour?
Actions of a group that have come together for a specific reason.
What is crowd behaviour?
Spontaneous, unplanned behaviour of a crowd, which can cause out-of-character behaviour.
What is pro-social behaviour?
Actions that benefit society and its members.
What is anti-social behaviour?
Actions that go against society and somehow harms it.
How can pro and anti-social behaviour occur in crowds?
Pro-socially, crowds may come together to spontaneously help someone whereas riots are anti-social.
What is obedience?
Following orders from someone with more authority than us.