Kapitel 9 - The knowing mind Flashcards
The ability to retain knowledge
Information processing
a continuum involving
transformation of information from one form to another
the retention of information
Sensory memory
The first stage of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model that holds large amounts of incoming data for brief amounts of time
separate channels for different sensory types (acoustic, visual, etc)
knowing what is happening in the now
you can see your fingers in multiple places if you wiggle them back and forth fast.
Short-term memory (STM)
the second stage of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model that holds small amounts of information for a limited time
5-9 bits of information
Repetition of information to process information from short-term to long-term memory
Clumping bits of information together so that we can store more information
if we store the numbers 1, 0, 0, and 0 we have taken up 4 information bits but if we instead remember 1000 we only use one bit.
Working memory
Extension of the concept of short-term memory that includes an active manipulation of multiple types of information simultaneously
5-9 bits of information
Working memory components
Visuospatial sketch pad
Visual information
phonological loop
verbal and auditory information
episodic buffer
Connection with existing long-term memory
central executive
Divides attention between the different task so you can do them simultaneously
Long-term memories
The final stage of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model is the location of permanent memories
Levels of processing theory
the depth (shallow or deep) of processing applied to information predicts its ease of retrieval
simply reading it or craming is shallow while translating it into your own words. explaining it, drawing i diagram of it, or applying it in a new concept culd count as deeper processing.
Declarative memory
a consciously retrieved memory that is easy to verbalize including semantic, episodic, and auto-biographical information;
also known as explicit memory
nondeclarative memory
an unconsciously and effortlessly retrieved memory that is difficult to verbalize, such as a memory for classical conditioning, procedural learning, and priming;
also known as implicit memory
teaching someone to use a scissor or drive a car.
Semantic memory
A general knowledge memory
organized by category
Example : different types of cereal