Kap 7; Learning Flashcards
Define learning and some basic forms of learning
Associative learning
Classical Conditioning
Operent Conditioning
Cognitive learning
Learning is the process of acquiring new information or behaviours through experience.
Associative learning - when we learn that certain events occur together
Classical Conditioning - associate two or more stimuli (bell-food)
Respondent behaviour - happens automatically
Operent Conditioning - associate a response with consequence. Produces operent behaviours.
Cognitive learning - acquiring mental information that guides our behaviour.
ex: Observational learning - learning new beahviours by watching others.
Vad var behaviourismens syn på lärande?
Behaviouristerna trodde att lagarna om lärande är samma för alla arter och att psykologi borde vara en objektiv vetenskap som studerar beteende utan referens till mentala processer.
Ivan Pavlov’s work laid the foundation for behaviourism.
Vem var Pavlov och vilka är de grundläggande komponeterna för Klassisk Betingning?
Rysk psykolog
Klassisk Betingning - enkel form av lärande
UR - Unconditioned respons occurs naturally (salivation)
US - food, naturally brings about salivation
CS - origin from NS (bell) + US triggers CR
CR - learned response (salivating to CS
Beskriv processen av acquisition (förvärv), extinction (utsläckning), spontaneous recovery (spontan återhämtning), generalization och discrimination.
acquisition - Associating NS with US so that NS begins triggering the CR. NS ideally half a second before US.
Through higher order conditioning - a new NS can become a new CS.
extinction - utsläckning av association, which occurs if the CS appears repeatedly without US.
spontaneous recovery - the suddenly appearence of a formerly extinguished CR following a rest period.
generalization - the tendency ro respond to stimuli that are similar to a CS.
discrimination - the learned ability to distinguish between a CS and other irrelevant stimuli.
Varöfr fortsätter Pavlovs arbete att vara viktigt?
Pavlov visade oss att signifikanta psykologiska fenomen kan studeras objektivt och att klassisk betingning är en grundläggande form av lärande som vi delar arter sinsemellan.
Applicering av Pavlovs forksning på människans hälsa och välmående.
Hur applicerade Watson Pavlovs principer på inlärd rädsla?
Behavioural Therapy
Body’s immune system respond to KB
Watson demonstrated through little Albert experiment how specific fears might be conditioned.
Vad är Operent Conditioning?
En form av associativt lärande där lärande är förstärkt om följt av en reinforcer eller försvagat om följt av punishment.
Vem var Skinner och how is operent behaviour reinforced and shaped?
Edward Thorndike - Law of effect
Fann att beteende kan formas genom reinforcers.
Hur skiljer sig positiv och negativ reinforcement?
Primary reinforcers:
Conditioned/secondary reinforces:
Immediate reinforcers:
Delayed reinforcers:
Reinforcement - consequence that strengthens behaviour
positive - adds a desirable stimulus
negative - reduces/removes an aversive stimulus
ex: bonus when in time for work and no bonus when not in time
Primary reinforcers: Food
Conditioned/secondary reinforces: Money - food
Immediate reinforcers: kardemummabulle (immediate payback)
Delayed reinforcers: paycheck (require the ability to delay gratification.
How do different reinforcement schedules affect behaviour?
Continous reinforcement:
Partial (intermittent) reinforcement:
Fixed-ratio schedules:
Variable-ratio schedules:
Fixed-interval schedules:
Variable-interval schedules:
Ett reinforcement schedule talar om hur ofta en respons kommer att bli reinforced.
Continous reinforcement: reinforcing desired responses every time they occur (learning is rapid, but so is extinction if rewards cease)
Partial (intermittent) reinforcement: reinforcing responses only somtimes (larning slower but more resistant to extinction)
Fixed-ratio schedules: reinforce behaviours after a set number of responses
Variable-ratio schedules: reinforce behaviours after an unpredictable number of responses
Fixed-interval schedules: reinforce behaviours after a set time periods
Variable-interval schedules: reinforce behaviours after unpredictable time periods
Skillnad på negative reinforcement och punishment
punishment side affects on behaviour
Punishment: aims to decrease a specific behaviour
ex: spanking or taking away a favourite toy
Negative rainforcement: remove an aversive stimuli
ex: taking aspirin to remove headache
Punishment side affects:
suppressing rather than changing behaviour
encouraging discrimination (appears when the punisher is not present)
creating fear, teaching aggression and fostering depression and feelings of helplessness.
Why did Skinner’s ideas provoke controversy, and how might his operant conditioning principles be applied at school, in sports, at work, in parenting and for sel-improvement?
Principles dehumanized people by neglecting their their personal freedom and seeking to control their actions.
Skinner - People’s actions are already controlled by external consequences and that reinforcement is more humane than punishment as a means of controlling behaviour.
school- immediate feedback
in sports - coaches can build players’ skills and self-improvement by rewarding small improvements. Managers can reward productivity behaviours.
Parents - can reward desirable beahviours and not undesirable ones
Self-improvement - We can shape our own behaviours by stating realistic goals, planning how to work towards those goals, monitoring the frequency of desired behaviours, reinforcing desired behaviours and gradually reducing rewards as behaviours become habitual.
How do biological constraints affect classical and operent conditioning?
Some associations are easier than others to learn due to biology.
Preparedness - learned survival behaviours (easy)
Taste aversion - after toxification (easy)
Vi kan lära oss beteende genom operent conditioning, men faller ibland tillbaka till våra predisponerade biologiska mönster.
How do cognitive processes affect classical and operant conditioning?
Classical conditioning - animals may learn when to expect a US and may be aware of the link between stimuli and responses.
Operent conditioning - cognitive mapping and latent learning research demonstrate the importance of cognitive processes in learning.
Other research shows that excessive rewards (driving extrinsic motivation) can undermine intrinsic motivation.
Observational VS associative learning.
How may observational learning be anabled by neural mirroring?
Observational learning - watching and imitations
associative learning - associations bwteen events
Vår frontal lobe har demonstrerat förmåga att spegla aktiviteten av annan hjärna.
Some believe we have so called mirror neurons, others argue that it may be due to the brain’s distributed networks.
What is the impact of prosocial modeling and of antisocial modeling?
Barn gör som föräldrar gör inte som de säger.
prosocial modeling - model being positive, constructive and helpful
antisocial modeling - negative, hostile
Inconsistent modeling = childrem imitate hypocrisy
What is the violence-viewing effect?
Media violence can make you more aggressive. May be promted by imitation and desenstization.
Correlation does not equal causation.