Kap 12; Emotion Flashcards
How do arousal, expressive behaviour, and cognition interact in emotion?
Emotions are responses of the whole organism.
- psychological arousal or emotional feelings first?
- feeling - cognition?
James lange, sequence model
Cannon bard, at the samte time
To experince emotion, must we consciously interpret and label them?
Schachter- Singer two factor theory
Zajonc and LeDoux
Schachter- Singer two factor theory - our emotions have two ingredients, physical arousal and cognitive label (essential, comes after)
Lazarus - agreed that many important emotions arise from our interpretations or inferences.
Zajonc and LeDoux - contended that some simple emotional responses occur instantly, not only outside our conscious awareness, but before any cognitive processing occurs. This interplay between emotion and cognition illustrates our two-track mind.
What is the link between emotional arousal and autonomic nervous system?
Emotions regleras av det automatiska nervsystemet, specifikt sympastiska nervsystemt (arousing) och parasympatiska nervsystemet (calming).
I en kris kickar fight or flight responsen automatiskt in och mobiliserar din kropp för att agera.
Do different emotions activate different physiological and brain-pattern responses?
Små skillnader i fysiologiska responser, mer skillnad in some brain pathways and cortical areas.
How effective are polygraphs in using body states detect lies?
Polygrafer försöker att mäta fysiologiska svar på emotioner, men är inte tillräckligt exakt för att användas inom business and law enforcement.
The use of quilty knowledge questions and new forms of technology may produce better indications of lying.
Beskriv the “high road” of fear
Fear stimuli - thalamus - sensory cortex - prefrontal cortex - amygdala - fear response

Beskriv the “low road” of fear
Fear stimuli - thalamus - amygdala - fear response

How do we communicate nonverbally? 3x
body movements
facial expression
voice tones
How do genders differ in their ability to communicate nonverbally?
Genrellt sätt är kvinnor bättre på att läsa av emotionella tillstånd och vara mer empatisk. Dom uttrycker även mera känslor.
How are gestures and facial expressions understood within and across cultures?
The meaning of gestures varies with culture.
facial expressions such as happiness and sadness are common the world over.
Cultures also differ in the amount of emotion the express.
How do our facial expressions influence our feelings?
facial feedback
behaviour feedback
Facial feedback shows us that our facial expressions can trigger emotional feelings and signal our body to respond accordingly.
We also mimic others expressions, which helps us empathize.
Behaviour feedback - effect is the tendency of behaviour to influence our own and others thoughts, feelings and actions.