Justice of the Peace Roles Flashcards
Issuing Warrants
A JP has the authority to issue search warrants, arrest warrants, and other legal orders upon review of the evidence presented to them.
Conducting Bail Hearings
They can hold bail hearings for individuals who have been arrested to determine whether they should be released on bail or held in custody.
Administering Oaths
JPs have the authority to administer oaths for affidavits, statutory declarations, and other legal documents, ensuring they are sworn in accordance with the law.
Presiding Over Provincial Offenses
JPs often preside over cases involving provincial offenses, such as traffic violations and municipal bylaw violations. They may issue fines or other penalties for violations under provincial legislation.
Preliminary Hearings
In some cases, JPs conduct preliminary hearings to determine whether there is sufficient evidence for a criminal case to proceed to trial.