Justice Flashcards
What is the definition of justice?
Justice is the principle of moral rightness and fairness in the treatment of individuals and the distribution of resources.
True or False: Justice is only concerned with legal rights.
Fill in the blank: The concept of __________ refers to the fair allocation of resources and opportunities.
distributive justice
What is retributive justice?
Retributive justice is a theory of justice that focuses on punishment for wrongdoing.
Multiple Choice: Which philosopher is known for the idea of the ‘social contract’?
John Locke
What does procedural justice emphasize?
Procedural justice emphasizes the fairness of the processes that resolve disputes and allocate resources.
True or False: Justice can vary significantly across different cultures.
What is restorative justice?
Restorative justice is an approach that focuses on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior through inclusive processes.
Fill in the blank: __________ justice is concerned with the fairness of the outcomes of decisions.
Multiple Choice: Which of the following is NOT a type of justice?
Symbolic justice
What role does equity play in justice?
Equity involves fairness and equal treatment in the allocation of resources and opportunities.
True or False: Justice is a static concept that does not change over time.
What is the difference between legal justice and moral justice?
Legal justice refers to the laws and regulations enforced by the state, while moral justice pertains to individual ethical standards.
Fill in the blank: The __________ theory of justice advocates for maximizing overall happiness.
Multiple Choice: Who is associated with the concept of ‘veil of ignorance’?
John Rawls