Jun 2016 Paper 1 Flashcards
Describe the difference between the structure of a triglyceride molecule and the structure of a phospholipid molecule.
In phospholipid, one fatty acid replaced by a phosphate
Describe how you would test for the presence of a lipid in a sample of food.
Add ethanol, then add water
White (emulsion shows lipid);
Describe how a saturated fatty acid is different from an unsaturated fatty acid.
Saturated single/no double bonds
between carbons
This fat substitute cannot be digested in the gut by lipase.
Suggest why
(Fat substitute) is a different/wrong shape/not complementary
Unable to fit/bind to (active site of) lipase/no ES complex formed
Suggest why the fat substitute cannot cross cell-surface membranes.
It is hydrophilic
Describe how ATP is resynthesised in cells.
From ADP and phosphate
By ATP synthase;
During respiration/photosynthesis
Give two ways in which the hydrolysis of ATP is used in cells.
To provide energy for other reactions/named process
To add phosphate to other substances and make them more reactive/change their shape;
What is the evidence from Figure 2 that a scanning electron microscope was used to take this photograph?
because it’s a 3D image
Name the part of the mitochondrion labelled X in Figure 2.
P – diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer Q – facilitated diffusion R – active transport S – co-transport T – osmosis
Transport through a channel protein
Transport of small, non-polar molecules
Transport of glucose with sodium ions
Transport through a channel protein : Q
Transport of small, non-polar molecules : P
Transport of glucose with sodium ions : S
Y is a protein. One function of Y is to transport cellulose molecules across the phospholipid bilayer.
Using information from Figure 3, describe the other function of Y.
Makes cellulose
From β glucose
What is the evidence in Figure 3 that the phospholipid bilayer shown is part of the cell-surface membrane?
because the cell-surface membrane has cellulose on it
Describe the type of bond that holds the cellulose
molecules together side by side.
Name the products of the hydrolysis of sucrose
What can you conclude about the growth of the plant cells from these data?
Explain how you reached your conclusions.
Sucrose hydrolysis linked to some aspect of growth; Greater the rate of/faster hydrolysis/more SPS activity as plant grows/cells divide (up to 8/10 days); Growth/division remains the same/slows after 8/10 days (because SPS activity is levelling off);
Describe the induced-fit model of enzyme action.
active site not complementary to/does not fit substrate;
Shape of active site changes as substrate binds
distorting it
A scientist investigated the hydrolysis of starch.
He added amylase to a suspension of starch and measured the concentration of maltose in the reaction mixture at regular intervals.
Explain the results shown in Figure 4.
High initial rate as plenty of starch/substrate/more E-S complexes;
No increase after 25 minutes/at end/levels off because no substrate/starch left;
The scientist used quantitative Benedict’s tests to produce a calibration curve of colorimeter reading against concentration of maltose.
Describe how the scientist would have produced the calibration curve and used it to obtain the results in Figure 4.
Make/use maltose solutions of known/different concentrations (and carry out quantitative Benedict’s test on each);
(Use colorimeter to) measure colour/colorimeter value of each solution and plot calibration curve/graph described;
Find concentration of sample from calibration curve;
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer. A vaccine
has been developed to protect girls and women from HPV.
Describe how giving this vaccine leads to production of antibody against HPV
Vaccine/it contains antigen (from HPV);
Specific helper T cell (detects antigen and) stimulates specific B cell;
B cell divides/goes through mitosis/forms clone to give plasma cells;
B cell/plasma cell produces antibody;
What do these results suggest about whether it is better to give two or three doses of the vaccine? Give reasons for your answer.
Two (doses) because got more
Also three doses would be more expensive
The doctors carried out a statistical test to determine whether the antibody concentrations were significantly different in girls given two doses of the vaccine,
compared with those given three doses. They determined the mean concentrations of antibody 9 months after the first dose of vaccine.
What statistical test should the doctors have used? Give the reason for your choice.
because they are comparing two means
There is genetic diversity within HPV.
Give two ways doctors could use base sequences to compare different types of HPV.
Compare (base sequences of) DNA;
Look for mutations/named mutations (that change the base sequence);
Compare (base sequences of) (m)RNA;
Chromosomes line up on the equator of the mitotic spindle in…
Suggest why the development of a monopolar mitotic spindle would prevent successful mitosis
No separation of chromatids/chromosomes/centromeres;
Chromatids/chromosomes all go to one pole/end/sides of cell/not pulled to opposite poles
A student who saw these results concluded that in any future trials of this kinesin inhibitor with people, a concentration of 100 nmol dm–3 would be most
appropriate to use.
Do these data support the student’s conclusion? Give reasons for your answer.
(No, because) at 100 there are still
some (7%) cancer cells
dividing/undergoing mitosis;
So, cancer not destroyed/may continue
to grow/spread/form tumours;
This research has been carried out in culture, we don’t know effect of Kinesin inhibitor on people;
Best concentration may be between
100 and 1000/need trials between 100
and 1000;
Describe how they made 100 cm3 of 1000 nmol dm–3 solution of kinesin inhibitor.
10 cm3 of 10 000 nmol dm–3 of original solution;
and 90 cm3 of water;
Suggest how amyloid-precursor protein can be the substrate of two different enzymes, α-secretase and β-secretase (lines 3–5).
Different parts/areas/amino acid sequences (of amyloid-precursor) protein;
Each enzyme is specific /fits/binds/ complementary to a different part of the APP;
Describe what happens in the hydrolysis reaction that produces the smaller protein from amyloid-precursor protein.
Hydrolysis occurs and the peptide bond is broken using water
Use the information provided to explain how these mutations can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
Mutations prevent production of enzyme(s)/functional enzyme;
(Increase in β-secretase) leads to faster/more β-amyloid production
(Leads to) more plaque formation;
Using the information provided, suggest why some patients developed serious side effects.
Accept build-up of amyloid-precursor protein (leads to harm)
Explain how this type of drug could prevent Alzheimer’s disease becoming worse.
(Inhibitor) binds to/blocks active site of β secretase/enzyme;
Stops/reduces production of β- amyloid/plaque;