Jun 2015 Unit 1 Flashcards
Putting bee honey on a cut kills bacteria. Honey contains a high concentration of sugar.
Use your knowledge of water potential to suggest how putting honey on a cut kills bacteria.
1. Water potential in (bacterial) cells higher (than in honey) / water potential in honey lower (than in bacterial cells); 2. Water leaves bacteria/cells by osmosis; 3. (Loss of water) stops (metabolic) reactions;
Give two ways in which pathogens can cause disease.
- (Releases) toxins;
2. Kills cells/tissues;
Suggest three reasons why it is more efficient to attach lactase to the beads
- (Lactase/beads) can be reused/not washed away;
- No need to remove from milk;
- Allows continuous process;
Monosaccharides and disaccharides taste sweet.
The lactose-free milk made after hydrolysis with lactase tastes sweeter than the cow’s
milk containing lactose.
Suggest why.
- (Lactose hydrolysed to) galactose
and glucose; - (So) more sugar molecules;
Suggest two reasons why the percentage of infants vaccinated decreased between
1973 and 1975.
- (Decrease linked to) few(er) cases of
whooping cough; - (Decrease linked to) risk of/fear of
side effects;
Between 1980 and 1990, there were three peaks in the number of reported cases of
whooping cough. After 1981, the number of cases of whooping cough in each peak
Use the information from Figure 4 to suggest why
Vaccination rate increases
so more people are immune to the disease.
The percentage of the population vaccinated does not need to be 100% to be effective in preventing the spread of whooping cough.
Suggest why
- More people are immune / fewer
people carry the pathogen; - So susceptible/unvaccinated people
less likely to contact infected people;
The scientists used the percentage change in the mean resting heart rate after the
exercise programme to compare the results for males and females.
Explain why they used percentage change in the resting heart rate
- Allows comparison;
- (Initial/resting) heart rates different
(between males and females);
Explain how their cardiac output could stay the same even when their resting heart rate
had decreased.
1. Cardiac output = stroke volume × heart rate; 2. (So) stroke volume increases / increased size or volume of ventricles;
The scientists gave an injection to a mouse to make it produce the monoclonal antibody
used in this investigation (line 7).
What should this injection have contained?
Regulator protein;
LDL enters the liver cells (lines 3–4).
Using your knowledge of the structure of the cell-surface membrane, suggest how LDL
enters the cell.
- Lipid soluble / hydrophobic;
2. Enters through (phospholipid) bilayer;
Explain how the monoclonal antibody would prevent the regulator protein from working
(lines 7–8).
1. (Monoclonal antibody) has a specific tertiary structure/variable region / is complementary to regulator protein; 2. Binds to / forms complex with (regulator protein); 3. (So regulator protein) would not fit/bind to the receptor / is not complementary to receptor
Explain how this treatment could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (lines 8–9).
1. Less LDL in blood / more LDL taken up (by liver cells); 2. So less atheroma/less chance of blood clot in coronary artery; 3. (So) less chance of reduced/no blood flow/oxygen to heart muscle/cells/tissues;
Describe how the control group should have been treated.
- Injection with salt solution;
2. Otherwise treated the same
Describe and explain how cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation can be used to isolate
mitochondria from a suspension of animal cells.
1. Cell homogenisation to break open cells; 2. Filter to remove (large) debris/whole cells; 3. Use isotonic solution to prevent damage to mitochondria/organelles; 4. Keep cold to prevent/reduce damage by enzymes / use buffer to prevent protein/enzyme denaturation; 5. Centrifuge (at lower speed/1000 g) to separate nuclei/cell fragments/ heavy organelles; 6. Re-spin (supernatant / after nuclei/pellet removed) at higher speed to get mitochondria in pellet/at bottom;
Describe the principles and the limitations of using a transmission electron microscope
to investigate cell structure.
Principles: 1. Electrons pass through/enter (thin) specimen; 4. Electrons have short wavelength so give high resolution; Limitations: 5. Cannot look at living material / Must be in a vacuum; 6. Specimen must be (very) thin 9. Image not in 3D