Jun 2014 Unit 1 Flashcards
Describe how the RER is involved in the production of enzymes.
- RER has ribosomes;
2. To make protein
Describe how the Golgi apparatus is involved in the secretion of enzymes
(Golgi apparatus) modifies (protein)
Give two risk factors associated with coronary heart disease.
- Smoking
2. Heredity
During a myocardial infarction, areas of heart muscle begin to die.
Explain why.
- Reduced blood flow in coronary artery / coronary artery blocked;
- Less / not enough / no oxygen;
- Respiration stops (so cells start to die)
Describe how bacteria are destroyed by phagocytes.
- (Phagocyte engulfs) to form vacuole / vesicle / phagosome;
- Lysosome empties contents into vacuole / vesicle / phagosome;
- (Releasing) enzymes that digest / hydrolyse bacteria
The absorption of glucose into the cell leads to the movement of water into the cell.
Explain how.
- Lowers the water potential (of the cell);
2. Water moves (in) by osmosis;
Use information from Figure 2 to explain how the pressure in the dog’s ventricle is
related to the thickness of the ventricle wall
- Thickness of wall increases because ventricle (wall) contracts;
- Contraction causes the increase in pressure
Group A acted as a control in this investigation.
Explain the purpose of this group
- To show the effect of the inhibitor / drug;
2. To show the effect of yoghurt
Apart from the yoghurt, it was important that all of the mice were given the same food each day.
Give two reasons why it was important that all of the mice were given the same food
each day.
- different foods contain different amounts of starch
2. To keep starch intake the same
The scientists’ hypothesis was that adding the inhibitor of amylase to the food would
lead to a lower blood glucose concentration.
Use your knowledge of digestion to suggest how the addition of the inhibitor could lead
to a lower blood glucose concentration.
Less E-S complexes are formed
less / no starch digested to maltose
Give one reason why these results may not support the use of the inhibitor of amylase to treat diabetes in mice.
There is a small sample size
mean is not reliable
No group without yoghurt;
So cannot compare to other groups
Describe the results FEV.
FEV falls / drops with age
The more times you’ve had tb the faster it falls.
Tuberculosis leads to permanent changes in the gas exchange system.
These changes include fibrosis.
Explain how fibrosis caused by tuberculosis could have produced the changes in FEV
of the miners.
- Development of scar tissue
- Loss of elasticity
- Restricts inhalation
People given whole-cell vaccines were more likely to develop harmful side effects than
the people given the vaccines containing parts of the bacterial cells (lines 4–6).
Suggest reasons why.
- Heat(ing) supposed to kill bacteria;
- Some might be alive / active/ viable;
- (If so) bacteria could reproduce;
People given whole-cell vaccines produced a greater range of antibodies against the
bacterium than the people given the vaccines containing parts of the bacterial cells
(lines 7–8).
Explain why
- (Contains) many different / greater range of antigens;
- Each antigen causes its own immune
The scientists concluded from their test that 4% of patients with long-term coughs actually had whooping cough (line 15).
Explain how they used the results of their test to reach this conclusion
1. Only patients who had whooping cough have toxin / antibody / immune response; 2. Toxin is an antigen; 3. Toxin (only) produced by this bacterium