Judicial Processes Of Law Making 1.1 Flashcards
What are the two processes through which judges can make laws?
-Judicial precedent
-Statutory interpretation
What does judicial precedent mean?
-Past decisions of judges create laws for future judges to follow in similar cases
-Stare decisis (standing by the decided) follow what has been decided in previous cases
-Creates consistency and certainty
-Type of common law
-If no precedent then the decision that the judge makes will become original precedent
What are two cases that show judicial precedent?
-Donoghue v Stevenson: friend bought bottle of ginger beer for her, decomposing snail in the bottom, ill and sued. They owed her a duty of care, modern day negligence.
-Daniels v White: bottle of lemonade with corrosive metal in. Case of Donoghue’s used when suing for compensation even tho facts diff. Similar for precedent
Court hierarchy from lowest to highest
-Magistrate & county
-Crown court
-High court (QBD, Chancery, Family)
-COA criminal and civil division
-Supreme court
What do decisions made by higher courts create for lower courts?
-Binding precedent for all lower courts
-Lower courts have to follow
What are the three exceptions to precedent?
- Distinguishing
- Overruling
- Reversing
What is distinguishing? And 2 cases
-Precedent can only be binding if the principle of a case is the same and the facts are similar.
-Balfour v Balfour and Merritt v Merritt
-Husbands sending money to wives overseas. Balfour overseas maintenance payments then spirit up. Only social agreement
-Merritt left and lived somewhere else, signed agreement to pay off house, binding
What is overruling and 2 cases?
-Higher courts over turn a decision and set new precedent
-BRB v Herrington overruled Addie v Dumbreck. Changed from no duty of care for child trespasser to there is DOC
-R v R: overruled and said that marital rape was an offence.
What is reversing and 2 cases?
-Higher court changes a decision made in a lower court on appeal
-Sweet v Parsley: HL reversed COA decision as men’s rea couldn’t be proved. Teacher rented out house to students and they smoked weed
-Tomlinson v Congelton: SC overruled COA saying occupier liable for injuries to trespasser who ignored signs, trespasser claim failed
Law on marital rape - overruling precedent
-R v R
-HL agreed with COA that man could be guilty of raping wife
-wiped out martial exemption
-lower court had decided that there wasn’t marital rape
What is the literal rule?
-19th century
-give words their literal plain English meaning
-dictionary at the time will be used
-go by what parliament said not meant
What are the 3 cases for the literal rule?
-DPP v Cheeseman: indecently exposed himself in public toilets, police officers stationed outside. Act said ‘passenger’s’ This meant passers by. Police not passengers so hadn’t committed an offence. Used literal rule
-Berriman: Man oiling points on railway line when hit by train. Lookout should be provided for relaying and repairing of the track, not relaying or repairing, only maintenance. Used literal.
-Whiteley v Chappel: voted under dead mans name still on register. Offence to impersonate any person entitled to vote. Not entitled as dead. Used literal, got away
Advantages of the literal rule
-Follows democratically elected parliament
-Highlights faulty legislation to law makers
-Makes law more certain as interpreted exactly how written
-easier for lawyers to apply
-doesn’t offend separation of powers
-stops unelected judges making law
What are the disadvantages of the literal rule?
-Simplistic in way looks at language
-Not all acts perfectly drafted (Whiteley and Chappel)
-Unfair and unjust - BRB
-Some words have more than one meaning - DD acts
What is the golden rule?
-Softened version of literal rule. Judge looks at literal meaning and then if will lead to absurd result than can use narrow or wide approach
-Narrow: if words has two meaning s then can choose to apply one that avoids harsh result
-Wide: If word has one meaning but unfair then can substitute for another word