3.4 Effectiveness Of Agencies In Achieving Social Control Flashcards
What’s the role of the police?
-1st at scene
-need to safeguard the public and attend to those injured
-secure the scene
-golden hour, act quick to get evidence and statements
-evidence for the CPS
-detective, investigate, prevent
-specialist dept like counter terrorism and British transport police
-order FPN, out of court disposals
Stats to suggest the police are effective?
-12mths to sept 23 6.6million incidents of crime recorded by the police
-17-19 inc in creatures of class A drugs by 13%
-overall crime low
-21-11 10% less than the year before
-5107000 crimes
-8655504 - no of victim based crimes in 22/23, 15.2% decrease on 2019/20
-20947 inc in officers 19-23
-43 forces, 27 gained officers, Kent 9% increase
Stats to show police aren’t effective
-19% decrease in funding
-6.6 million incidents recorded by police in 23, large amount of incidents so aren’t doing enough to prevent
-10-19, officers decreased by 20600
What did the 2017 annual report HM inspector of police show?
-2/3 of domestic abuse practitioners felt police’s performance improved in last 3 years
-not as good performance regarding DA as arrest rate falling and not using bail conditions to protect
Issues of police funding falling
-Factor in whether the police can achieve social control or not
-2010 gov made budget cuts, police dropped investigations
-other investigations prioritised
6 cases to use to show if the police are effective or not
-Banaz Mahmood: failed to help her after 5 separate reports, honour crime
-Hillsborough: David duckenfield didn’t open gate to relieve crush. Let too many in
-Stephen Lawrence: institutionally racist, policing by consent, need good relationship with all sectors. Relationship of police to BAME. Stop and searches and recruitment are under rep, disprop use tasers
-Wayne Couzens: staged arrest and murdered. Women trust police less, may not listen,, refuse to stop for officers
-Puppy farm: police confiscated shot gun but handed back 7mths before killings even tho he threatened to kill stepdaughter in 2013.
-Child Q: black pupil strip searched at school by two officers, racism, only 15, taken out of exam
What is the role of the CPS?
-Independent prosecutor for E and W
-Achieve control by prepping cases and presenting in court
-full code test: evidential and public interest
-crime control model of justice
Stats to show CPS are effective?
-1.4% inc in all crimes conviction rate from 81.9% to 83.3%
-1.8% inc in domestic abuse conviction rate from 76% to 77.8%
-62.9% inc in volume of rape prosecutions from 1557 to 2537
Stats to show that the CPS aren’t effective?
-Lost 1/3 of the work force
-large budget cuts of 25% to 30%
-unduly lenient sentences scheme, offenders can’t apply to have reviewed
-dont prosecute rape cases bc long time to analyse, social media case, risk they will lose
-less than 1/3 prosecutions brought against young men result in a conviction
Why is the fall in CPS budget an issue?
-DPP CPS can’t sustain further cuts. Digital tech imposing heavy workloads on staff as need to analyse mobile phone evidence and comply with disclosure rules
Case examples of failings of the CPS
-Kapessa: criticised for the tests, was evidence but decided not in the public interest. Should’ve have the PI factors put to court
-didn’t charge due to culpability, age and maturity when there was evidence to do so
-Damilola: didn’t fact check 14yr old witness Bromley. Lying.
-Joan Francisco: took 5 yrs for her killer to be convicted. Cps missed the evidence that saw him being jailed for 4 years. Taped her phone calls, body heat etc but didn’t charge him, sued in civil court for death
-Liam Allen: cps drop rape cases to improve the success rate
What is the role of the judiciary
-Ensure trials are fair and compliant with HR
-experienced and qualified lawyers
-precedent to ensure consistency
Stats to show that the judiciary are effective
-2012: 62 had sentence increased after referred to COA by AG as unduly lenient .
-small no of appeals to CCRC, 548 overturned and 219 upheld. 29569 cases received in total.
-aim to complete 85% within 1st 12 mths
Case studies to show if judiciary were or weren’t effective?
-R v Ponting: civil servant leaking info, jury refused to convict despite judge saying no defence
-R v Wang: binding precedent from SC that judge can’t direct or I trust a jury to return guilty verdict. Sowrd and knife in bag, judge directed to find guilty
-Lavinia Woodward: bias as she was an oxford medical student, stabbed bf and got away with it
Stereotypes for judges and why an issue
-Old upper class males, not in touch
-Biased, old attitudes
-Narrow and unrep of society
-May give verdicts based on their own opinions
-71% male
-50% over 50
-only 5% BAME
-74% priv education
-biased towards those from similar background
Unduly lenient sentences scheme
-V’s, Prosecutors and public can apply to AG to have sentenced reviewed
-serious offences like murder robbery and rape
-Few apps made
-2017: 173 cases referred COA, 137 had sentences increased. Suggests that in general not unduly lenient
Case example of an unduly harsh sentence
London riots, 6mth prison sentence for stealing £3.50 of water
Role of the prison service
-Achieve control by punishing and rehabilitating
-control prisoners whilst in prison
-not v effective
Stats to show prisons are effective
-Public protection: 21-22 only 1 escaped from HMPPS, but 11 from contractor escorts and 95 from absconds Shows prison is more secure
-Jan to march 2021, 3% decrease in juveniles reoffending
-in last 3 yrs funding in CJS has increased
Stats to show that prisons are not effective
-15% prison officers lost their jobs
-recidivism is 55.5% for sentences less than 12 months
-Winston green riots 2016: 4 wings, 400 prisoners, 12 hrs chaos, 230-400 prisoners were transferred. Climbed on safety netting, could be due to spice etc. G45
-Shrewsbury prison overcrowded by 85% in 2007
-prison population almost doubled
-2018: 58% prisons overcrowded
-recidivism 46% within a year, 59% if less than 12 month sentence
Role of probation
-Monitor offenders on license
-Supervise they dont break conditions of their release
-supervise that they attend the necessary treatment
What is a CRC and how many failed to meet targets?
-Priv company paid to oversee probation
-19/21 failed to meet target
-NPS met 70% housing needs whereas CRC only met 54%
-only supervised over the phone with CRC’s
What suggests that probation is more effective than prison?
-1/2 rate of reoffending compared to prison
-inc in staffing in probation in recent years
What backgrounds do probation officers come from?
-Teachers, police and legal experts so have holistic and multi-agency approach
case studies showing that NPS aren’t effective
-Joseph McCann: was released from prison then murdered and raped someone
-Usman Khan: Keir starmer who was in charge of CPS: agreed to plea bargaining so could only be charged with one offence, if had convicted of all offences then still would’ve been locked up when the London terrorism attack occurred.
-Leroy Campbell released and raped and murdered a nurse
-Alex Malcolm attacker: mother’s bf beat to death bc he lost his shoe. On probation for abuse of prev gf, mother not aware
Stat to suggest NPS not effective?
-M of Justice: 262347 offenders on probation orders, 1% higher than prev year (June 17)
Role of charities and pressure groups
-Funded by donors who work to help particular groups
-some with offenders: access to justice foundation so that can get legal help for a fair trial,
-Fairer sentences or conditions in prison or when released: Howard league for penal reform, NACRO, women in prison
-eg nacros ban the box and Friday release
-Pressure groups lobby the gov to make changes
-Penal reform charities make sure people are treated fairly
Stats to suggest that charities and pressure groups are effective
-inquest: 40 yrs old, review of deaths in police custody, looked at grenfell and legal aid. Raised £1.05m from donations and legacies
Why do charities help rehabilitate more than the gov?
-Understand their issues better and work with offenders, more committed as they believe
-focus on offenders and not the money
-on the offenders side-
-more time
How effective is NACRO?
-2017-2018 helped 38000 people and moved 71% to sustainable accommodation
How effective is the prison reform trust?
-march 23 total income of £684919 from grants and donations
-eg out of trouble, trying to reduce the number of young people in prison
How effective is the Howard league for penal reform?
-Runs campaigns like books for prisoners which won a charity award in 2015
How effective is women matta?
-Secured funding from the big lottery fund in 2010
What limits what charities can achieve?
-Only exist where enough people are rlly concerned about an issue
-need to have generous donations, people tend to donate to cancer etc not charities for prisoners
-media less likely to show positives of penal reform