Judges 6- Flashcards
According to Judges 6:1, which nation did Evil in the sight of the Lord (1 Point)
The children of Israel
According to Judges 6:1, Because the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord into whose hand did he deliver them
The hand of the Midianites
According to Judges 6:1, For how many years did the Lord deliver the children of Israel in the hand of the Midianites
(1 Point)
7 years
According to Judges 6:2, Whose hand prevailed against Israel (1 point)
According to Judges 6:2, FIB, And the hand of _________ prevailed against Israel. Because of the Midianites, the children of Israel made for themselves the _______, the ______, and the _________ which are in the mountains. (4 Points)
According to Judges 6:3, Who would come up against Israel when they had sown
(3 Points)
The People of the east
According to Judges 6:4, whenever Israel had sown and the Midian, Amalekites, and the people of the east come up against them, what of theirs did they destroy
(1 Point) be specific
The produce of the Earth
According to Judges 6:4, When the Midianites, Amalekites, the people of the east came up against Israel what did they not leave for them? (1 point)
No sustenance
According to Judges 6:4, When the Midianites, Amalekites, the people of the east came up against Israel they left no sustenance for them but what are some of the sustenance (3 points)
According to Judges 6:5, FIB, For they would come up with their ______ and their _______, coming in as numerous as locusts; both they and their camels were [a]without number; and they would enter the land to destroy it (2 Points)
According to Judges 6:5, When the Amalekites, Midianites and the people of the east came up against Israel how numerous is their livestock and tents
(1 Point)
As Locusts
According to Judges 6:5, what of the Midianites were describes as being without number (2 Points)
The people
Their camels
According to Judges 6:6, FIB. So Israel was greatly _______________ because of the Midianites and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord (1 Point)
According to Judges 6:7, When the children of Israel cried unto the Lord because of the Midianites who did the Lord send unto them (1 Point)
A prophet
According to Judges 6:8, From what place did the Lord bring the children of Israel up (1 Point)
According to Judges 6:9-10, FIB. Also I said to you, “I am the Lord your God; do not fear the gods of the ______, in whose land you dwell.” But you have not obeyed My voice
According to Judges 6:11, in what place would you find a terebinth tree (1 Point)
According to Judges 6:11, who came and sat under a terebinth tree which is in Ophrah (1 Point)
The angel of the Lord
According to Judges 6:11, of what nationality is Joash (1 Point)
According to Judges 6:11, tell the name of the father of Gideon (1 Point)
According to Judges 6:11, Where was Gideon threshing wheat (1 Point)
int he winepress
According to Judges 6:11, why was Joash threshing wheat in the winepress (1 Point)
To hide it from the Midianites
According to Judges 6:12, When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon in Ophrah what did He say to him (2 Points)
The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor
According to Judges 6:13, FIB, Gideon said to Him, “O my lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His _________ which our fathers told us about, saying, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up from _________?’ But now the Lord has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the ____________.”
(3 Points)
According to Judges 6:14, When speaking to Gideon who did the angel of the Lord tell him would save Israel from the hand of the Midianites (1 Point)
According to Judges 6:15, Which man asked the angel of the Lord how can he save Israel (1 Point)
According to Judges 6:15, When speaking to the angel of the Lord how did Gideon describe his clan (1 Point)
The weakest in Manasseh
According to Judges 6: 15, when speaking to the angel of the Lord about saving Israel how did Gideon describe himself , be specific (! Point)
The least in his father’s house
According to Judges 6:16, FIB. Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the ____________ as _____ man. (2 Points)
According to Judges 6:17, what the Gideon want the angel of the LOrd to show him to know that it is the LOrd that is speaking with him (1 point)
A sign
According to Judges 6:18, What answer did the angel of the Lord give to Gideon when He said these words to him. ‘ Do not depart from here i pray until i come to you and bring out my offering and set it before you
(1 Point)
I wait until you come back
According to Judges 6:18, What did Gideon tell the angel of the Lord that he would and bring out and set before him (1 Point)
A sacrifice
According to Judges 6:19, what did Gideon prepared for the angel of the Lord
(3 Points)
A young goat
Unleavened bread
An Ephah of Flour
According to Judges 6:19, In what did Gideon put the meat that he prepared for the angel of the Lord (! Point)
In a Basket
According to Judges 6:19, in what did Gideon put the broth that he prepared for the angel of the Lord (1 Point)
In a pot
According to Judges 6:19, where did Gideon bring the things that the prepared for the Lord (1 Point)
Under the terebinth tree
According to Judges 6:20, What instructions did the angel of the Lord give to Gideon when he presented the items that he prepared for Him (4 Points)
Take the meat
the unleavened bread
and lay them on the rock
and pour out the broth
According to Judges 6:21, FIb. Then the Angel of the Lord put out the end of the _______ that was in His hand, and touched the _________ and the unleavened bread; and _______rose out of the rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened bread. And the Angel of the Lord departed out of his sight. (3 Points)
According to Judges 6:21, What did the angel of the Lord used to touch the meat and unleavened bread that was on the rock (2 Points), be specific
The end of his staff that was in his hand
According to Judges 6:21, on what did the angel of the Lord tell Gideon to lay the unleavened bread and the meat (1 Point)
The rock
According to Judges 6:21, what rose out on the rock and consumed the meat after the angel of the Lord gave Gideon instruction to put them on the rock (1 Point)
According to Judges 6:21, what did the angel of the Lord do after fire rose up and consumed the unleavened bread and meat that was on the rock (! Point)
The angel of the Lord deeparted
According to Judges 6:22, Because Gideon perceived that the was an angel of the Lord . In what manner did he say he saw the angel of the Lord (1 Point)
Face to dace
According to Judges 6:24, what did Gideon call the name of the altar that he built
(1 Point)
The Lord is peace
According to Judges 6:23, Finish this statement, Then the Lord said to him, peace be with you, do not fear ….. (1 Point)
You shall not die
According to Judges 6:24, Be specific, To this day where is the altar that Gideon built located (1 Point)
Ophrah of the Abizerites
According to Judges 6:25, That night that the Lord spoke to Gideon, what animal did he Say that Gideon should get rid of
(2 Points)
The young bull
The second bull of 7 years
According to Judges 6:25, whose altar did the Lord tell Gideon to tear down (1 Point)
The altar of Baal
According to Judges 6:25, what images did the angel of the Lord tell Gideon to cut down (1 Point)
the wooden image
According to Judges 6:26, what did the angel of the Lord tell Gideon to build on top of the rock in the proper arrangement
An altar of the Lord
According to Judges 6:26, in the proper arrangement how did the angel of the Lord tell Gideon to offer a burnt sacrifice
(2 Point)
Take the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood
According to Judges 6:27, how many men did Gideon take when doing what the Lord had commanded him to do (! Point)
10 men
According to Judges 6:28, during what time of the day did Gideon take the 10 men and do as the Lord had commanded him to do
(1 Point)
Be night
According to Judges 6:28, what did Gideon take the 10 men by night to do as the Lord has commanded him (2 Points)
He feared his father’s household and the men of the city too much to do it by day
According to Judges 6:29, who arose early in the morning and noticed that the altar of baal was torn down, and the wooden image cut down (1 Point)
The men of the city
According to Judges 6:30, what answer was given to the men of the city when they asked who had torn down the altar of baal and cut down the wooden images (! Point)
Gideon the son of Joash had done this
According to Judges 6:30, what did the men of the city wanted Joash to bring out his son (Gideon) that this may happen to him (1 Point)
He may die
According to Judges 6:31, Who gave Gideon a new name (1 Point)
His father Joash
According to Judges 6:31, why did Joash give Gideon a new name (2 Points)
Because he said let Baal plead against him because he has torn down his altar
According to Judges 6:32, what is the new name that Joash gave his son Gideon
(1 Point)
According to Judges 6:33, on the day when Gideon was given a new name, who crossed over the Jordan and encamped in the valley of Jezreel (3 Points)
The Midianites
The Amalekites
The people of the east
According to Judges 6:34, crossing over the Jordan in what valley did the Midianites, the Amalekites and the people of the east encamped (1 Point)
The valley of Jezreel
According to Judges 6:34, when the spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon what instrument did he blow (1 point)
The trumpet
According to Judges 6:34, when the spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew the trumpet who gathered behind him (1 Point)
The Abiezerites
According to Judges 6:35, throughout which tribe did Gideon sent messengers and they also gathered behind him
(1 Point)
According to Judges 6:35, which 3 tribes did Gideons send messenger and they came up to MEET HIM (3 Points)
According to Judges 6:36-37, How did Gideon know if He was the one to save Israel by hand base on the sign that he asked God for
He would put a fleece of wool on the threshing floor
if there’s dew on the fleece only and the ground dry
According to Judges 6:38, When Gideon arise early in the morning and wrung the dew out of the fleece, how much water was therein. Be specific
A bowful
According to Judges 6:39, when asking God for a second test, in what condition did Gideon say he wanted the fleece to be and what did he want to be on the ground\
(2 Points)
The fleece to be dry
Dew to be on all the ground
According to Judges 6:40, FIB. And __________ did so that night. It was ________ on the _____ only but there was ______ on all the ground (4 Points)