Judges 3 Flashcards
According to Judges 3:1, FIB. Now these are the nations which the Lord left, that He might test Israel by them, that is, all who had not [a]known any of the wars in _____________
(1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:2-3, how many lords of the Philistines were there (! Pt)
According to Judges 3:3, who are some of the persons/nations that the Lord left in the land of Canaan to test the children of Israel (4 Points
5 lords of the philistines
the Canaanites
The Sidonians
The Hivites
According to Judges 3:3, what are some of the known area that the hivites dwell
Mount Lebanon
Mount baal hermon to
the entrance of hamath
According to Judges 3:4, why did the Lord leave some of the nations in the land of Canaan (2 Points)
To test Israel
To know whether Israel would obey the commandments of the Lord
According to Judges 3:5, among what nations did the children of Israel dwell
(5 Point)
The Hivites
The Amotites
The PErizzites
The Hivites
The Jebusites
According to Judges 3:6, Living among the nation who did the children of Israel give to those nations to their daughters and sons and for reasons (2 PTs)
Their daughters and sons
They (Israel daughters and sons ) served their gods
According to Judges 3:7, the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord but which gods did they serves (2 Pts)
According to Judges 3:8, Israel served other gods and the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel but into whose hand did the Lord sold them (1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:9, Because Israel was sold into the hand of Cushan-Rishathaim, Israel cried unto the Lord and he raised up a judge to deliver them but what was the name of that judges (1 Pt)
Othniel, caleb’s younger brother
According to Judges 3:8, name the king of Mesopotamia (! Pt)
According to Judges 3:8, For how many years did the children of Israel served Cushan-Rishathaim (1 Pt)
8 years
According to Judges 3:10, When the spirit of the Lord came upon Othniel , who dd the Lord delivered into his hand (1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:11, under the rulership of Othniel for how many years did the land have rest before Othniel died
(1 Pt)
40 years
According to Judges 3:12, The children of Israel continue to do evil in the sight of the Lord but tell the name of the king of Moab whom the Lord strengthened against Israel (1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:13, Because the Lord strengthened Eglon which people did Eglon take when going up against Israel (2 Pt)
According to Judges 3:14, Which city did Eglon, king of Moab took from Israel (1Pt)
The city of Palms
According to Judges 3:14, for how many years did the children of Israel served, Eglon, king of Moab
18 years
According to Judges 3:15
According to Judges 3:16, Having served Eglon 18 years the children of Israel cried unto the Lord but who did the Lord raised up to deliver them (1 PT)
Ehud the son of Gera
According to Judges 3:16, which tribe was Ehud from (! Pt)
According to Judges 3:16, Was Ehud right handed or left handed (1 PT)
Left handed
According to Judges 3:17, Bys whose hand did the children of Israel send tribute to Eglon king of Moab (1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:17, Ehud made a dagger but describe it (2 Pt)
It was double edged
a cubit in length
According to Juges 3:17, be specific, where did Ehud fastened the dagger that he had made
Under his clothes
on his right thigh`
According to Judges 3:18, And when he had finished presenting the tribute, (1 Pt)
he sent away the people who had carried the tribute.
According to Judges 3:19, After the gift was presenting to the King of Eglon, Ehud and the people left. However, where was Ehud when he turned back to see the king and what did he say to him? (2 Pts)
He was at Gilgal
He told the king that he have a secret message for you
According to Judges 3:19, FIB. But he himself turned back from the _______, ________ that were at Gilgal, and said, “I have a secret ________ for you, O king.”
He said, “Keep _________!” And all who attended him went out from him. (4 Pts)
Stone images
According to Judges 3:20, Where was Eglon sitting when Ehud returned to him, be specific (2 Points)
He was sitting upstairs in his cool private chamber
According to Judges 3:21, when Ehud told Eglon that he has a message from God for Him what did he immediately do (! Pt)
He arose from his seat
According to Judges 3:21, Being alone with Eglon in his private chamber, Ehud reached with his left hand took the dagger from his right thigh then what did he do with it (1 Pt)
He thrust it into the belly of Eglon
According to Judges 3:21, which hand did Ehud use to reach for the dagger that was on his thigh (1 Pt)
His left
According to Judges 3:22, what of King Eglon came out of him when Ehud thrust the dagger in him (1 Pt)
his entrails
According to Judges 3:23, After killing Eglon how did Ehud escape from his chamber
(2 Pts)
Ehud went out though the porch and shut the doors of the upper room behind him and locked them
According to Judges 3:24, when Eglon servants came to look for Eglon they saw that the doors to the upper room were locked but what did they think was the result (2 Pt)
They thought that he might be attending to his needs
According to Judges 3:24, until went did Eglon servants waited for him because the doors of his upper room were locked (1 Pt)
Until they were embarrassed
According to Judges 3:25,What did Eglon servants used to open the door of his upper room and what did they find (2 Pts)
They used a key
Their mister was fallen dead upon the floor
According to Judges 3:26, FIB, But Ehud had escaped while they delayed, and passed beyond the _______, __________ and escaped to _______. (3 Pts)
According to Judges 3:26, Ehud escaped while Elgon’s servants delayed, and he passed over the stone images and came to this place (1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:27, Escaping to Seirah, Ehud blew the trumpet but in what mountain did he blew it ( 1 Pt)
Mountains of Ephraim
According to Judges 3:28, because the Lord had delivered the Moabites into the hands of the children of Israel; Ehud and the people went and seized this place (1 Pt)
The fords of Jordan
According to Judges 3:28, why did the children of Israel seized the fords of Jordan (1 Pt)
So that no one would cross over
According to Judges 3:29, How many men of Moab did the children of Israel killed
(1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:29, describe the men of Moab that Israel killed (2 Pt)
Men of valor
According to Judges 3:30, when Moab was subdued, the land of Israel had rest but for how many years (1 Pt)
80 years
According to Judges 3:31, After Ehud judged Israel who took his place (1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:31, Tell the name of the father of Shamgar (1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:31, How many men of the Philistines did Shamgar killed (1 Pt)
According to Judges 3:31, Shamgar killed 600 men of the Philistines but what did he use to kill them when delivering Israel
(1 Pt)
An Ox Goad