Judges 10 - Two minor Judges -TJ Flashcards
According to Judges 10 :1, Which man of Issachar arose after Abimelech to save Israel (1 Point)
According to Judges 10:1. Tell the name of the father of Tola (1 Point)
According to Judges 10:1, Tell the name of the grandfather of Tola (1 Point)
According to Judges 10:1, Tola arose to save Israel after Abimelech, but in what place did he dwell and in what mountain (1 Point)
The mountains of Ephraim
According to Judges 10:2, For how many years did Tola judge Israel? (1 Point)
23 years
According to Judges 10:2, Tola judge Israel for 23 years but where was he died and buried (1 Point)
According to Judges 10:3, who arose after Tola and judges Israel 22 years (1 Point)
According to Judges 10:3, OF what nationality was Jair (1 Point)
He was a Gileadite
According to Judges 10:4, how many sons did Jair have (1 Point)
30 sons
According to Judges 10:4, on what did Jair’s 30 sons ride? Be specific (1 point)
30 Donkeys
According to Judges 10:4, How many towns did Jair have and what was the name of those towns (2 Points)
30 Towns
According to Judges 10:5, in what place did Jair died and was buried (1 Point)
According to Judges 10:6, Which children did evil in the sight of the Lord (1 Point)
The Children of Israel
According to Judges 10:6, the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord name the gods of syria that they serve (2 Points)
According to Judges 10:6, the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord but which gods did they serve ( 5 Points)
The gods of Syria
The gods of Sidon
The gods of Moab
The gods of Ammon
The gods of the Philistines
According to Judges 10: 7, Because the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel into whose hand did He sell them
(2 Points)
The Philistines
The People of Ammon
According to Judges 10:8, for how many years did the people of Ammon and the Philistines oppressed Israel (1 Point)
18 years
According to Judges 10:9, so that Israel was severely distressed., who did the Children of Israel go over Jordan to fight against
( 3 Points)
House of Ephraim
According to Judges 10:10, why did the children of Israel cried out against the Lord
(1 Point)
Because they have sinned in serving baals
According to Judges 10:12. What are some of the nations that the Lord told Israel that when they cried unto Him He delivered them
(4 Points)
The Philistines
The Sidonians
The Amalekites
According to Judges 10:14, when speaking to the children of Israel, because they served baals who did the Lord say they should let deliver them in their time of distress (1 Point)
They shou of the Lorld cry out to the gods
According to Judges 10:16, when the children of Israel put away the foreign gods and served the Lord what of Israel could the soul of the Lord no longer endure
Their misery
According to Judges 10:17, the people of Ammon gathered together and encamped in Gilead but where did the children of Israel encamped? (1 Point)
According to Judges 10:17, FIB. Then the people of Ammon gathered together and encamped in _______ and the children of Israel assembled themselves and gathered together and encamped in ________
(2 Points)