Judges 16 Flashcards
According to Judges 16:1, To what place did Samson go when he saw a harlot and went in unto her (1 Point)
According to Judges 16:1, Who went to Gaza, saw a harlot and went in unto her?
(1 Point)
According to Judges 16:1, describe the woman that Samson saw in Gaza and went in unto her (1 Point)
She was a harlot
According to Judges 16:2, What did the Gazites do when they heard that Samson was there (3 Points)
They surrounded the place
Lay in wait all night for him
at the gate of the city
According to Judges 16:2, It was the Gazites that surrounded the city when they heard that Samson was there but for how long did they wait on him (1 Point), be specific
1 Point
All night
According to Judges 16:2, Having surrounded the city in what manner did the gazites waited on Samson all night
(1 Point)
According to Judges 16:2, The Gazites surrounded the city and quietly waited on Samson all night but what did they want to do in the morning, when it is daylight
(1 Point)
To kill him
According to Judges 16:3, Till when did Samson lay low while in Gaza
(1 Point)
According to Judges 16:3, While in Gaza Samson lay low till midnight then he arose at midnight and take hold of this (2 Point2)
The doors of the gate of the city
the 2 gate post
According to Judges 16:3, While in Gaza samon took hold of the doors of the gate of the city and 2 gate posts but how did he pull them up (1 Point)
Bar and all
According to Judges 16:3, When Samson pull up the doors of the gate of the city of Gaza and the 2 gate post he pulled them up, but what place did he carry them and by what means (2 Points)
He carried them to the top of the hill that faces Hebron
He put them on his shoulders
According to Judges 16:4, Which woman was it noted that Samson loved (1 Point)
According to Judges 16:4, in what valley was it noted that Samson saw Delilah and loved her (1 Point)
According to Judges 16:5, Concerning Samson what did the lords of the philistines tell Delilah to do (4 Points)
Entice him
Find where his strength lies
How we may empower him
so that we can bind and afflict him
According to Judges 16:5, Who told Delilah to entice Samson (1 point)
The lords of the Philistines
According to Judges 16:5, What was promised to Delilah for enticing Samson
(2 Points)
1100 pieces of silver by each of the lords of the philistines
According to Judges 16:6, FIb. So ____ said to Samson, “Please tell me where your great _______ lies, and with what you may ______ you to _____ you (4 Points)
According to Judges 16:6, on the first occasion why did Delilah want to known where Samson’s great strength lies
(2 Points)
To Bound Him
To afflict Him
According to Judges 16:7, Describe the bowstring that samson tell Delilah that if he is bound with then he would be weak, be specific (1 Point)
7 fresh bowstrings not yet dried
According to Judges 16:8, who gave Delilah the 7 bowstrings not yet dried (1 Point)
The lords if the philistines
According to Judges 16:8, what did delilah do with the 7 dried bow strings not yet dried (1 Point)
She used it to bound Samson
According to Judges 16:9, It was delilah who bound Samson with the 7 bow strings not yet dried but who else was in the room where she was (1 Point)
According to Judges 16:9, there were men lying in wait in the room with Delilah when she tied Samson with 7 bow string not yet dried but what happened when she told Samson that the Philistines were upon him
(1 Point)
he broke the bow strings
According to Judges 16:9, When Samson was tied with the 7 the 7 fresh bow strings not yet dried, was the secret of his strength known
(1 Point)
According to Judges 16: 10, When Delilah realized that the secret of Samson’s strength was not made known on the first occasion, what did she say Samson had done (2 Points)
Mocked her
Told her lies
According to Judges 16:11, When speaking to Delilah, samson said if he is bound with this’ kind of ropes then he will become weak and be like any other man (2 Pts) be specific
New ropes that have never been used
According to Judges 16:12, When Delilah took new ropes and bound Samson, who did she say was upon him (1 Point) be specific
The Philistines
According to Judges 16:12, on the first occasion when Delilah told Samson that the Philistines were upon him, where were the men lying in wait for him (1 Point)
In the room
According to Judges 16:12, Like what did Samson broke the new ropes from his arms (1 Point)
Like a thread
According to Judges 16:13, FIB. _________ said to ________ Until now you have mocked me and told me __________. Tell me what you may be bound with (3 PTS)
According to Judges 16:13, When trying to determine what Samson should be bound with, into how many web of loom did he tell Delilah to weave his locks (1 Point)
Seven (7)
According to Judges 16:13, How many locks did Samson have on his head (1 Point)
Seven (7)
According to Judges 16:14, in what manner did Delilah weave the 7 locks on Samson’s head (1 Point)
According to Judges 16:14, what did Delilah use to weave the 7 locks of Samson
(1 Point)
The Batten of the loom
According to Judges 16:14, When Deliah weave tightly the 7 locks of Samson with the batten of the loom what did she immediately say to him (1 point)
The Philistines are upon you
According to Judges 16:14, finish this statement. So she wove it tightly with the batten of the loom and said to him, the philistines are upon you, Samson but he awoke from his sleep….. (2 Points)
and pulled out the batten and the web from the loom
According to Judges 16:15, FIB, Then she said to him, “How can you say, ‘I love you,’ when your heart is not with me? You have mocked me these ______times, and have not told me where your great strength lies.
Three (3)
According to Judges 16:16, FIB. And it came to pass, when she ____ him _________ with her words and pressed him, so that his soul was ________ to death (3 Points)
According to Judges 16:17, Samson told Delilah all his heart but what did he tell her
(4 Points)
No razor has come upon my head
I have been a Nazarite to God from the womb
If i am shaven my strength will leave me
I will become weak
According to Judges 16:18, for whom did Delilah call when Samson told her all his heart tort (1 Point)
The lords of the philistines
According to Judges 16:18, what did the lords of the philistines give to Delilah when she sent and call for them because Samson told her all his heart (! Point)
They gave her money
According to Judges 16:19, on what of hers did Delilah lulled Samson to sleep (1 Pt)
He knees
According to Judges 16:20, who shaved off the 7 locks from Samson’s head (1 Pt)
A man
According to Judges 16:20, when Delilah began to torment Samson what happened to him (1 Pt)
His strength left him
According to Judges 16:21, who departed from Samson (1 Point)
The Lord
According to Judges 16:21, Who put of the eyes of Samson (1 Point)
The Philistines
According to Judges 16:21, when the philistines put out the eyes of Samson to what place did they bring him (1Pt)
According to Judges 16:21, what did the Philistines use to bound Samson (1 Point)
Bronze fetters
According to Judges 16:21, when they took Samson down to Gaza where was he placed (1Point)
in Prison
According to Judges 16:22, Finish this statement. However, the hair of his head began to grown again (1 Pt)
After it had been shaven
According to Judges 16:23, Having bound Samson and putting Him in prison to whom did the Lord of the Philistines offer a great sacrifice (1 Point)
Dagon their god
According to Judges 16:23, When offering a great sacrifice to dagon their god, what words did the lords of the philistines say (1Pt)
our god had delivered into our hands Samson out enemy
According to Judges 16:23, which man was the enemy of the Philistines (1 Point)
According to Judges 16:24, FIB, When the people saw him, they praised their god; for they said ,Our god has delivered into our hands our enemy,
The _________ of our land,
And the one who ________ our dead.” (2 Pt)
According to Judges 16:25, Because the hearts of the philistines were merry they called for Samson out of the prison to preform for them but where did they station him (1 Pt)
Between the pillars
According to Judges 16:26, Who said these words to samson, let me feel the pillars which support the temple so that i can lean on them (1 Point)
According to Judges 16:26, for what reason did Samson want the lad to allow him to feel the pillar that support the temple
(1 Pt)
To lean on it
According to Judges 16:27, how many people were in attendance that watched samson performed
about 3000 men and women
According to Judges 16:28, Finish this statement …. Then Samson called to the Lord, saying, “O Lord God, remember me, I pray! _________ me, I pray, just this once, O God, that I may with one _________take _________ on the _________ for my two _______ (5 Points)
According to Judges 16: 29, how many middle pillars did Samson braced himself against (1 Point)
Two (2)
According to Judges 16: 29, Samson took hold of 2 middle pillars and braced himself against them but what were the locations of these pillars (1 Point)
One on the right and Left
According to Judges 16:30, with whom did Samson want to die (1 Point)
The Philistines
According to Judges 16:31, when samson leaned on the 2 middle pillars, he braced with all his might but who die on that day
(2 Points)
The lords of the philistines
all the people that were present in the temple
According to Judges 16:30, T/F Samson killed more when he was alive than in his death (1 Point)
According to Judges 16:31, who buried samson when he died (2 Pts)
His brothers
His father’s household
According to Judges 16:31, between what 2 places did they bury samson (2 Pts)
According to Judges 16:31, in whose tomb was samson buried (1 pt)
The tomb of his father’s
According to Judges 16:31, for how many years did Samson judge Israel
20 years