Judaism: Marriage ✅ Flashcards
Explain the significance to the individual by Observing Mitzot law as a result of their Jewish marriage. + two quotes
- Certain mitzvot only apply to married couples, e.g. having children (a boy and girl)
- If possible, one should try and have as many children as possible
- “He did not create [the world] for a waste, he formed it to be inhabited” (Isaiah 45:18)
- “Adding a Jewish soul is equal to building an entire world” (Jewish scholars/sages)
Definition: Tallit
Prayer shawl
Definition: The honour of being called up to read the Torah in a synagogue
The Aliyah
List the five significance’s for the community through Jewish marriage
- The home is the basic unit for the Jewish community
- New voices are added to the Jewish community
- It is a commitment to the Jewish community and its preservation
- It provides a sense of identity and community
- It provides community experience of the tradition through ritual
Definition: Jewish matchmaker
Definition: The Aliyah
The honour of being called up to read the Torah in a synagogue
Definition: Simultaneous receptions held by the bride and groom, for the guests.
What happens during the bedekken?
- After the tisch, the groom is escorted by all the members of his tisch to the bridal reception area.
- The groom approaches the bridal throne and covers the bride’s face with a ‘dektich’ (veil).
- He is then escorted back to his reception room to prepare for the chuppah ceremony (public marriage ceremony).
How does the covenant life in marriage connect to the beliefs of Judaism? + Quote
- Jewish marriage is also a complex legal arrangement by which the man and woman make a mutually binding commitment. The rituals and customs of Jewish marriage come from the spiritual themes and from its legal requirements.
- Jews believe that marriage is a contractual bond between the husband, wife and God.
- Marriage is a reaffirmation of the Covenant with God, represented by the chassan, and the Jewish people, represented by the kallah.
- “Making a reaffirmation with another human being is part of fulfilling our covenant with God.” (What does Judaism say about marriage? Page 25)
Definition: Dektich
Wedding veil
Definition: Wedding veil
Outline the significance of forming a sense of identity and community as a result of marriage
• Marriage rituals and Jewish values lived out within the family create links between past, present, and future generations
List the four pre-marriage rituals
- Matchmaker
- The Aliyah
- Mikvah
- Fasting
Quote - The Tallit
“If a man shall take a woman… you shall make for yourself fringes” (Deut 22)
Definition: Is yiddish for the veiling ceremony.
Definition: Niddah
Ritual impurity while the wife is menstruating
Definition: The ceremonial circling
Definition: A canopy with 4 open sides under which a wedding ceremony takes place.
Definition: Tallit
Prayer shawl
Definition: Hakafot
The ceremonial circling
Definition: Ben Din
A rabbinical court, usually consisting of three judges responsible for making judgement on matters of halalach.
What is the significance of the ring?
- The chassan (groom) places a gold ring on the forefinger of the Kallah’s (bride) hand saying:
“Behold you are consecrated to me with this right according to the Law of Moses and Israel” - There is no need for a response from the Kallah as the physical acceptance of the ring is shows she accepts the contractual agreement
- Non-Orthodox Jewish marriages sometimes have a reciprocal ring given to the groom and she makes a statement; A common statement being:
“I am my lover’s and my lover is mine” (Song of Solomon 6:3) - The couple is formally married at this point.
Definition: Religious Court
Ben Din
Definition: Bride