Islam: A'isha Bint Abu Baker ✅ Flashcards
Definition - Fasting
What is the quote and application of the Hadith talking about the alcohol?
Hadith No: 449
“The Prophet went to the mosque and recited them in from of the people and then banned the trade of alcohol”
Muslims should avoid drinking alcohol as it is a forbidden practice in Islam.
What were the three Qur’an revelations A’isha was directly responsible for?
This first through the slander event, as Muhammad recieved a revelation directly related to her innocence (found in Sura 24:11-13)
The second occurred when A’isha lost a necklace and it was revealed ‘tayammum’ is acceptable when no water can be found.
The third is in response to the wives of Muhammad at the time on the wearing of the hijab (Sura 33:59).
She also witnessed live revelations, knowing which verses were revealed when and why.
Definition - Charity
Quote - Four eye witnesses
“And those who accuse honourable women and then do not produce four witnesses… do not accept from them testimony ever.” (Sura 24:4)
Quote - Tayammum
“… and you find no water, perform tayammum with clean earth.” (Sura 5:7)
Quote - A’isha’s diligence to the scripture
“I did not see a greater scholar than A’isha in the learning of Qur’an” (Urwah)
Aqida definition
The six articles of the Islamic faith.
Quote - A’isha as an orator
“…[I[ have not heard speech more persuasive and more beautiful from the mouth of any person than from the mouth of A’isha” (Al-Ahnaf)
Wudu definition
The Islamic procedure for cleansing parts of the body, a type of ritual purification, or ablution.
Shaddah definition
Profession of faith “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger” One of the Five Pillars of Faith.
List two of Muhammad’s other wives apart from A’isha and Khadijah?
- Daughter of Umar (second caliph)
- A’isha was good friends with her and their relationship was important in forming the Sunni sect of Islam
Umm Salama
- Muhammad’s 5th wife
- Became a supported of Alia, who married Muhammad’s daugher, Fatima.
- Her active support of Alia and Fatma would later be used to form the Shia movement.
Definition - The six articles of the Islamic Faith.
Tayammum definition
The Islamic act of dry ritual purification using purified sand or dust, which may be performed in place of ritual washing is no clean water is readily avaliable.
Why did A’isha lead an army against Ali?
She was seeking revenge for the murder of Uthman, the third rightly guided caliph and the previous leader.
Hafiz definition
A person who knows the Qur’an off by heart.
Outline the plot of the Scandal of the Slander story.
On the way back to Medina, after the Banu al Mustaliq had been subdued, the Muslim army stopped for a rest, but then the Prophet unexpectedly ordered the army to continue to march back.
A’isha stepped out of her litter for a few minutes to seek privacy. The army marched on without her without realising that A’isha was missing.
A’isha who trusted completely in Allan, sat down and waited, hoping that someone would realise and come back for her.
A Muslim man named Safwawn ibn al-Mu’attal came and rescued her.
Eventually they caught up with the caravan, however some hypocrites began to gossip that A’isha and Safwan had a slanderous relationship/
Allah then revealed this was not the case.
Definition - Daily prayers
Quote - How Muhammad’s wives were revered
“When you ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a screen” (Qur’an 33:53)
Hajj definition
The pilgrimage that every Muslim must complete at least once in their life. One of the Five Pillars of Faith.
What is the name of the man who rescued A’isha in the Scandal of the Slander story?
Safwawn ibn al-Mu’attal
Definition - The pilgrimage that every Muslim must complete at least once in their life to the city of Mecca.
Outline the plot of the Lost Necklace
A’isha stepped out of her camel after a long day’s travel.
In the process she lost her precious onyx necklace.
The prophet intended to move on as they had limited water but decided to stay a little bit longer to look for A’isha’s necklace. Because they needed water for drinking and for rituals, they would not be able to renew their ablution with water.
Muhammad received a revelation that you can complete ablution when you have no water available by using fine dust or sand. (tayammum)
A’isha gave up but as she was leaving she found her necklace under her camel.
How did the Battle of the Camel contribute to the development of the Islamic faith?
Stands as a turning point in the ‘unity’ of Islam, solidifying the division between the Sunni and Shia sects.
Who did A’isha lead an army against in The Battle of the Camel?
Definition - Profession of faith “There is no God but Allah”
Outline how A’isha is a role model for Muslims, specifically Islamic Women.
- Provided a role model for women’s political participation in Islamic communities.
- Respected so much by the umma se was given the name “Umm al-Umma’ , Mather of Islam
- A’isha was a great teacher, it is suggested she taught more then 80 scholars. She opened a school in Medina providing schooling to the needy.
- She was a great orator (public speaker)
- She was a role model for the rejection of wealth. When Muhammad received a revelation from God to offer his wives the choice between a separation from him (which would allow them to become more wealthy) or remain with him and stay in poverty. A’isha was the first wife to stay and the others followed suit
Quote - Abu Hurayrah
“He is not a good listener, and when he is asked a question, he gives the wrong answer” (A’isha)
Definition - Comparative analogy in Islamic Jurisprudence
Sawn definition
Fasting. One of the Five Pillars of Faith.
Quote - Scandal of the Slander, Allah helping Muhammad
“God it is Whose help is sought against (the situation) you have described” (Yusuf 12:18)
Quote - Muhammad’s love for A’isha
“[to Fatima]… don’t you love when I love? She said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘Love this’ [that is, A’isha]”
Why were Muhammad’s wives placed in high esteem?
Because of their access to the messages recieved from Allah.
Where was A’isha born?
Ablution definition
The act of washing oneself
Definition - The act of washing oneself
What is the quote and application of the Hadith talking about praising Allah?
Hadith No: 243
“When the Prophet began the Salah (Salat), he said ‘Oh Allah! You are without blemish… and there is no God besides you’”
Muslims should respect and praise Allah because he is worthy.
Definition - A person who knows the Qur’an off by heart.
Salat definition
Daily prayers. One of the Five Pillars of Faith.
Quote - Hajib
“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments” (Sura 33:59)
Who was Muhammad’s first wife?
Khadijah, a monogamous relationship that lasted 25 years.
Who was A’isha’s father and how was he significant?
She was daughter of Abu Bakr Sidiq. He was the first Caliph and Muhammad’s close friend. He is considered the most influential man in Islam apart from the Prophet.
What is the quote and application of the Hadith talking about sleeping?
Hadith No: 211
“Allah’s apostle said, ‘If any of you feels drowsy while praying he should go to bed till his slumber is over…”
Muslims should not pray when tired because their intention becomes unclear and distorted.
How did A’isha mainly contribute to Islam and why is her contributions valuable?
Her memory of the Prophet, transcribing over 2210 hadiths. This is valuable becaause the Qur’an and Hadith are heavily reliant upon each other to communicate the message of Allah.
How did A’isha’s involvement in the Scandal od the Slander story contribute to the expression of the Islamic faith?
Requirement for all women to wear a hajib.
Definition - The Islamic act of dry Ritual purification using purified sand or dust, which may be performed in place of ritual washing if no clean water is readily available.
How did the Battle of the Camel contribute to the expression of the Islamic faith?
Sunni hold A’isha in high esteem and refer to her as the ‘Bother of Believers.’ They hold the Battle of the Camel depicting women being equal to men.
Shia reject the idea that A’isha was Muhammad’s favourite wife. They believe that she conducted herself in a inappropriate manner, and that this indicates why women should not assume roles of power.
How was A’isha’s relationship different from that of his other wives?
Marriages were typically for political gain, however it was believed that A’isha and Muhammad were particularly fold of each other.
Quote - A’isha’s intelligence
“She wielded a powerful intelligence which sometimes was even a match for the inspired and gifted Prophet of Allah.” (el Saadowi)
Quote - A’isha as a teacher
“Learn a portion of your religion from this lady [Aisha]” (Muhammad)
Who was A’isha
The wife of Muhammad, a scholar and a political activist.
Quote - Salat and Sleep
“If one of you falls asleep while he is in prayer then let him go sleep…” (Sunna, A’isha)
Roughly what percent of Islam is Sunni verses Shia?
85% Sunni and 15% Shia
Zakat definition
Charity. One of the Five Pillars of Faith.
Tafsir definition
Exegesis (commentary) on the Qur’an
How did the story of the Lost Necklace contribute to the development of the Islamic faith?
Outlined how to perform ablution (wudu) when there is no clean water avaliable.
How did A’isha’s involvement in the Scandal od the Slander story contribute to the development of the Islamic faith?
Advanced the jurisprudence system by requiring the need for four eye-witnesses.
How many hadiths are attributed to A’isha?
What are the Five Pillars of the Islamic Faith?
Hajj. Salat, Zakat, Shaddah, Sawn
What system of Hadith inspection was instigated by A’isha?
The method of Hadith critique, questioning many of the hadith reported by Abu Hurayra.
Definition - Hajj, Salat, Zakat, Shaddah, Sawn
Five Pillars of Faith
Quote - Muhammad’s praise of Allah
“When the Prophet began the salah. He said, ‘O Allah! You are without blemish, and with your praise” (Sunna, A’isha)
Quote - A’isha’s contribution to Sharia
“one fourth of the laws of the Sharia are based on the hadith transmitted by A’isha” (Al Asqalani, Islamic Scholar)
When was A’isha born and when did she die?
Born 614CE and died 678CE
Definition - The Islamic procedure for cleansing parts of the body, a type of ritual purification, or ablution.
Hadith definition
A collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad which, with accounts of his daily practice.
Around when was she betrothed to Muhammad and when was the marriage consummated?
Estimates place her around 7-11 when she was betrothed and around 8-11 when the marriage was consumated.
What are some examples which prove A’isha’s importance to Muhammad?
- Muhammad prayed in her company
- Muhammad received some revelations in her presence
- Muhammad was buried in A’isha’s apartments
- Muhammad died in A’isha’s arms.
Quote - A’isha’s impact on modern-day Islam
“A’isha was like a bridge between the time of the Prophet and the future of Islam” (Haylamaz)
Outline the plot of the Battle of the Camel
A’isha remained devoted to sustaining and preserving the religion that had been established by her husband, sometimes taking extreme measures to do so.
One of the main issues that occurred after Muhammad’s death was the issue of succession.
Many believed that Ali was the right person to take leadership of the Muslim community, A’isha did not agree and led an army against him as she demanded revenge for the murder of Uthman (3rd rightly guided caliph) who was the previous leader.
A’isha was defeated against Ali and many saw this as a failed attempt for a woman to move into politics.
A’isha’s decision to lead an army of 30 000 against an army of 70 000 was by her own admission, ill advised.
Quote - Women’s equality
“It is not good that you people have made us (women) equal to dogs and donkeys”
What is the quote and application of the Hadith talking about the Hajib?
Hadith No: 368
“Women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognised”
Muslim women should cover tyheir hair with veiling sheets and obey the laws of Allah so they they will me made new.
How long were A’isha and Muhammad married before he died?
10 years
How do A’isha’s hadiths depict Muhammad?
As a complete, kind and loving man.
Definition - Exegesis (commentary) on the Qur’an