Christianity: Sexual Ethics ✅ Flashcards
Quote - Catholic Church’s stance on homosexuality
• “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” (Catechism 2357) • “Homosexual persons are called to chastity.” (Catechism 2359)
Outline ‘Tradition’ as a source of ethical guidance
- Many Christians look to their Church’s doctrine for guidance.
- Historically, leaders of Christian churches have presented responses to various problems that have confronted their congregations. They develop these responses through considered interpretations of how God has spoken to them through the scriptures and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
- E.g the Catholic Church does not interpret the Bible literally and doctrine is formed from church tradition and various Popes over the centuries. This is called the Catholic papal authority or encyclicals.
Anglican Church’s stance on homosexuality
• The Church of England currently maintains that same-sex partnerships are acceptable for laypersons, and gay clergy may enter in a civil partnership as long as they are expected to give assurances of celibacy.
Definition: A theory of ethics where moral rules are not absolutely binding and may be modified in the light of specific situations.
Situational Ethics
Overall Christian stance on premarital sex
• The majority of Christianity believes that premarital sex is wrong.
Uniting Church’s stance on extramarital sex
While the Uniting Church tends to be more liberal in matters of sexual ethics, it does not condone nor accept extramarital relationships.
Catholic Church’s stance on premarital sex
• The Catholic Catechism strongly states that Premarital Sex is a sin as those ‘expressions of faith’ should be reserved for the love of a married couple
What are two ethical theories relating to Christian ethics?
• Natural Law Theory • Situational Ethics
Outline ‘Experience’ as a source of ethical guidance
• Prayer is seen as being a help to Christians in understanding how they should live their lives. • Christians believe prayer can guide them in dealing with decisions and choices they make about their lives. • Christianity is regarded as a living religion where the word of God is revealed through the Holy Spirit to individuals today.
Anglican Church’s stance on premarital sex
• The Anglican Church’s official stance on premarital sex is that it should be avoided and one should aspire to abstain from sexual relationships until marriage. • A survey conducted in 2016 claimed that 73% of Anglicans living in Britain stated that there is nothing wrong with premarital sex despite conflicting church doctrine.
Overall Christian stance on extramarital sex
All of Christianity believes that extramarital sex is an act of adultery and is should be avoided.
Definition: Term used to describe a form of ethical thought which comes from the concept of perfect creation.
Natural Law Theory
Definition: Natural Law Theory
Term used to describe a form of ethical thought which comes from the concept of perfect creation.
What four sources do Christians use as authority?
• Scripture (Bible) • Tradition (Authority of Church leaders) • Experience (Inspiration from the Holy Spirit) • Logic (Reason)
Quote - Two quotes on Christian stance on homosexuality
• “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination” (Lev 18:22) • “Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men” (Rom 1:24-27)
Definition: Situational Ethics
A theory of ethics where moral rules are not absolutely binding and may be modified in the light of specific situations.
Outline the Natural Law Theory
• The belief is that God created everything perfectly so if we study the way life works and learn the laws of nature, we will learn how to behave. • It is the assumption that humanity is directed towards certain goals because this is what nature intended. Because these goals are created by God, they must be good. • Most religions support some form of Natural Law, but the Catholic Church is the main supporter within Christianity. • Thomas Aquinas in the 13th c. developed the Natural Law philosophy and articulated it for the Church. He was heavily influenced by Aristotle’s philosophy.
Catholic Church’s stance on extramarital sex
• Roman Catholicism recognises that homosexual inclinations or preferences in its self are not sinful, however acting on these desires are considered immoral. • Homosexual individuals are urged to chastity as to not sin against God.
Overall Christian Stance homosexuality
Most Christian denominations believe that homosexuality is a sin and that sex should only be between a man and a woman.
Quote - Three quotes on Extramarital sex
• “You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20) • But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matt 5:28) • “Marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” (Heb 13:4 )
Anglican Church’s stance on extramarital sex
Anglicans take a firm stance against extramarital relationships similar to most other denominations of Christianity.
Catholic Church’s stance on extramarital sex
Catholics believe the sixth commandment, “Thou shalt not commit adultery”
Uniting Church’s stance on extramarital sex
• The Uniting Church believes that homosexuality in all forms is not a sin. • They believe that ethical decisions relating to homosexuality should be left up to an individual’s interpretation of marriage. • The Uniting Church in Australia became the first major Christian denomination allow ordained ministers to marry same-sex couples in 2018 - It should be noted however that ministers are not compelled to marry a couple if it contradicts their ethical stance on the matter. - This comes soon after Australia’s legislative decision to allow same-sex marriage in Australia on the 9th, of December 2017.
Outline ‘Logic’ as a source of ethical guidance
• God is perfection and created the ability to be critical and to develop logical arguments and procedures. From this, logically, the use of reason is a God-given gift which can be used in the development of responses to life questions.
Outline the Situational ethics theroy
• A theory of ethics where moral rules are not absolutely binding and may be modified in the light of specific situations. • Created in reaction to legalism. It is the reaction to Natural Law where the view is that certain actions were absolutely right or wrong • Evaluates the actions in light of the situational context and it is up to the individual to determine the most loving response to a situation. • Established by Joseph Fletcher (1905-1991) an Epsicopalian Priest. • Situational ethics places people at the centre of its model and rather than ask what the law says, it asks how people can be helped. Thus it’s concerned with Jesus’ law of love.
Quote - Catechism quote premarital sex
“Those who are engaged to marry are called to live chastity in continence.” (Catechism: 2350)
Quote - Catholic stance on extramarital sex
“It is gravely contrary to the dignity of persons and of human sexuality” (Catechism 2353)
Uniting Church’s stance on premarital sex
• The Uniting Church understands that many will decided to engage in premarital sex. The Church believes due to the modern age bringing effective contraception, the decision to engage in premarital sex is not as binding as before and should be left to an individuals own interpretation.
Outline the Bible as a source of ethical guidance
• It is the key source of ethics for all Christians, regardless of the variant. • It is understood that the Scriptures are the direct word of God, although interpreted through writers and translators of the Church. • Christians look to the words and teachings of Jesus to see how a morally perfect man dealt with the conflict and problems of life. • Christians ethics can not be fully understood without a consideration of Jewish ethics.
Quote - Two Bible verses talking about premarital sex
• “But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” (1 Cor 7:9 ) • “that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well.” (Acts 15:29)