Judaism And Christianity Flashcards
Abraham and the patriarchy
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the patriarchy. Founded Judaism and introduced the idea of monotheism
Agreement between god and the people
Name for god in the Hebrew bible
Name for god in the Hebrew bible. Is too sacred to be spoken
King Solomon
One of the 48 prophets and a playa. Turned to idolatry
Israel and Judah
Judah was a small kingdom that was taken over by the Assyrians, then the Babylons and then the Persians. Was taken over by Rome and helenized. Israel and Judah split after King Solomon’s death
The promise land
Land that Abraham was given by god
Assyrian Power
Scattered and dislocated Jews throughout the empire. Egypt later conquered Judah, (story of Moses takes place)
Put Jews in different location but together. Known as the exile of Judaism
Second Isaiah
Passage that takes place during Babylonian exile. Insighted monotheism.
Second temple
Synagogues, Christianity, and scholarly rabbis came out of this period as the temple was reconstructed in Juerulislem.
Liberation from Babylon. Return to jurelselem to build second temple
Alex the great successors
Antiochus IV
Suddenly persecuted all Jews. Lead to Maccabean revolt. Story of Hanukkah
1st century Judaism that denies spirits, resurrection, and only followed kosher
Wrote the Dead Sea scrolls. Lived austerely with no marriage or money
Political movement to rebel against Rome
Another second temple sect of Judaism. Had Rabbis and all that jazz. Became mainstream Judaism after Rome destroyed the second temple
Oral Torah. Debated and written by many scholarly rabbis. Represented the general rules
613 commandments
The rules Moses received for the Talmud. Made up rules for rabbinic Judaism
Sephardic and Ashkenzai Jews
Ashkenazic Jews are European and Sephardic Jews are middle eastern. During diaspora Judaism
Hasidic Judaism
Spiritual Movement. Ultra conservative. Closeness to god at all times.
European Ghettos
Places in Europe where Jews could live. Had gates around them
Sephardic scholar. Impact on the Torah head of Egyptian Jewish community
Jewish Enlightenment
Emancipated Jews somewhat, but didn’t appreciate them living differently. Increased educated Jews
Reestablishment of Judaism in Israel