Japan/China/Pilgrimage Flashcards
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Figure of the Virgin Mary. Important to Mexican Catholicism. Holds some Aztec roots.
Juan Diego
Saw the apparitions (4) of the Virgin Mary. Had to convince arch bishop of her presence. Became a saint later in life
Los Remedios
Title for the Virgin Mary
Developed by Trinitarian order. Brought by the Spanish Conquistadors. Sometimes refers to shrine
1600s poet and saint, Hindu. Discouraged having pride in ones caste and talked about everyone being able to serve god. Was part of the Bhakti movement
Jñaneśvar (Jñandev)
part of the Bhakti movement. Discouraged Sanskrit vedas wanted translation into Marathí. Wanted love for a personal god
Saint, wrote dnyaneshawri which was the first book to describe translation of Bhagwat Geeta from Sanskrit. Part of Mahanubhava sec that disregarded castes
Part of the Varkari pilgrimage movement. Is sort of a reincarnation of Vishnu, but also sort of runs a monotheistic version of Hinduism
Temple of Vithoba, in Maharashtra. Chandrabhaga is the holy water can wash all sins. Pilgrimages happen frequently there
Little Mother (Mauli)
Describes a child’s love for its mother (not father) as a way to describe devotion towards gods
Nara period
Buddhism and Sinicization started here. Bhudda= sun goddess, mixed with Shintoism. Heavenly emperor was coined here. First permanent capitol happened at end. Used China’s alphabet
Chinese influence at height (Buddhism, Daoism) poetry and literature were at height. Conquered north. Start of Zen Buddhism. Rise of samurai started happening. Had own alphabet
Kamakura period
Kamakura happened when the first shogunate (Kamakura) came into play. Overtook power from emperor, is now just a figurehead.
Tokugawa period
Started capital in Edo. Isolated Japan. Japan’s economy increased since it wasn’t at war with itself
Meiji restoration
Emperor regained power, overtook edo, shogun not in control anymore. Japan shifts to a western government, country no longer isolated. Larger military
Origin story of Japan, contains many myths. From the first emperor to the first islands. (Nara period)
Nihon Shoki
2nd oldest book in Japanese history (kojiki being the oldest). More elaborate, record of Japan. Has some myths but goes all the way up to the 8th century
(Started in Nara period) worships ancestors, nature spirits, and in/animate objects. Used to be state religion until 1945
Japanese Buddhist monk. Founded Tendai (Japanese form of Mahayana Buddhism) from China, also maybe brought over tea (Heian period)
Founded Shigon Buddhism (based more off of Vajrayana teachings) (Heian period)
New Buddhism, new era. Branch of Mahayana Buddhism also known as Kamakura Buddhism for the era it was in. Focus on Lotus Sutra and peoples inherent Buddha.
Buddhist monk that founded True pure land Buddhism. There are three Sutras, infinite life, Amitabha (compassion Buddha), and contemplation. Sort of go to heaven in liberation.
Buddhist monk founder of Sōtō Zen Buddhism. (Kamakura era). Have to work to become awakened
Samurai way of life, influenced by Shinto and Zen Buddhism. (Tokugawa period)
National Scholar Movement (Kokugaku)
During Tokugawa period, wanted to teach away from Chinese teachings, looked back at Japanese classics (Tokugawa period)
Motoori Norinaga
Scholar of kokugaku. Against Confucianism. Told Japan its roots were free spirited (Tokugawa era)
Miki Nakayama
Founded Tenrikyo (Tokugawa era). Features god of the parent, promotes joyous life which encourages acts of good will.
Shinto Nationalism
During the Meiji restoration, Shinto was used as a sort of nationalistic force. Reinforced emperors divinity
Shrine Shinto
Happened after Nationalistic State Shinto was laid to rest after WWII. Based on public works in the community
Soka Gakkai
Center for Buddists to spread peace
Qin period
First dynasty, conquered several states. Ended with emperors death. Confucianism came into play. Main rituals were Shen and yin (spirits and shadows) (only lasted ~15 years)
Han Dynasty
Golden age in china. Came to an end with the daoist yellow turban rebellion, massacre of military officials, and takeover by Xian. Buddhism first started entering here (lasted ~400 years)
Tang Dynasty
Another golden age, (lasted ~300 years). Influenced Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Lots of Chinese poetry. Buddhism was prominent, with monasteries providing schools and lodging. Was banned though and lost status. Daoism was main religion then.
Founder of Confucianism. Stressed loyalty to ones own country and family. Golden rule. Suppressed during Qin dynasty for legalism, gained more prevalence. Confucius is revered in Daoism too
Religious sacrifice/ ritual. In neo Confucianism explains the order in living things/ is the basic pattern in the universe
Confucian idea. Good feeling that occurs during altruism. Ties in with Li being that action
Filial piety
Respect for One’s own parents, ancestors, and elders. Uphold fraternity and perform parental rituals in death
Philosophical Daoism
Less rituals than Confucianism. Follow the flow, Tao, “way” of life. Popularized in Han dynasty. Woman shamans. Strive for compassion, frugality, and humility
Founder of Daoism. Was considered divine. Incarnation of three purities. Daoism is anti authoritarian
Implemented shamanism and women shamens. Ideas linked in Han dynasty. Wu wei natural spontaneity
Famous Confucian founded neo Confucianism. Featured longer prose rather than short sayings. Argued for people rights by the government
Civil Service Exams
Confucian founded, started in Han dynasty and subsisted through the 1900s in the Qing dynasty
Yellow Turban Rebellian
Fall of Han dynasty. Daoists were behind rebellion. Lead by Zhang Jiao. Had backing from hungry peasants when the government didn’t prepare for times of famine.
Buddhist Persecution 842-45 CE
Happened in Tang Dynasty, wanted to cleanse China of non-Chinese tradition. Buddhism Stopped loyalty of Son to Father. Also couldn’t give Buddhist monasteries tax breaks anymore
Neo Confucianism
Response to Buddhism and Daoism. Universe can be understood by reason; philosophical. Mencius argued humans were good but needed guidance. Needed to purify Li.
Taiping Rebellion
Started by Hong Xiuquan, who thought he was a son of god. Needed to reform church. Hungry Peasants came aboard. Weakened Qing Dynasty and paved way for Communism.
Mao Zedong
Founder of communism in China. Industrialized China, killing millions. Maoism, permanent revolution and importance of peasantry