Jojos Plebotomy 2 Flashcards
A falsely prolonged prothrombin time may cause a dr to reduce patients medication. If anticoagulant is lowered what complication could occur?
The patient could suffer from blood clots or a stroke.
What does the medical science council NZ EXPECT WHEN IT STATES you must act as a professional?
You must act in accordance with ethical, legal, professional And regulatory requirements.
What does the term myocardial mean?
Myocardial describes the middle thick muscular layer of the heart.
Name some symptoms of Anaphylactic reaction?
Anaphylactic reaction is when the immune system releases chemicals that cause the body to go into shock.
The blood pressure can drop.
The airways can narrow and wheezing may occur.
Patient may have a weak to rapid pulse
Patient may have a runny nose, skin rash, or develop a rash.
What does the suffix “emia” mean in Greek? Give an example of emia used in medical terms?
“Emia” means blood
Hypervolemia means too high a volume of blood.
Anemia means lack of blood.
What does the medical sciences council NZ expect when it states you must practice as a Technician?
Practice by integrating medical laboratory science knowledge and skills within your area of competence and scope of practice.
One of the codes of practice is Safe Practice. What does this mean?
You must ensure personal, client, colleague and public safety
Communication is one of the medical science council NZ Codes of practice. What do they expect for communication?
To communicate effectively, with patients, colleagues, the public and other health professionals.
What does haemostasis mean?
haemostasis is a process to prevent and stop bleeding, meaning to keep blood within a damaged blood vessel. It is the first stage of wound healing. There are 4 stages to haemostasis
Describe vasoconstriction?
Stage 1 of haemostasis.
Shrinking of the blood vessel to limit blood loss. The blood vessel decreases in diameter
How are blood pressure results expressed?
Millimeters of mercury
(Mm Hg)
Systolic pressure during cardiac contraction.
diastolic pressure during cardiac relaxation.
120/80 mm Hg (normal blood pressure).
Name some blood tests that require protection from the light?
TDP - Thiamine (Vit B1) whole blood
UBILU - Bilirubin, Urine & blood
Vit A - Serum
Vit E - Serum
Vit B2
How are cells removed from whole blood so you can test the plasma?
By centrifuging the blood sample. You cause the denser particles (the cells) to settle towards the bottom and the lighter components (the liquid) to move towards the top of the tube.
What is heart rate?
Heart rate is the number of heart beats per minute. Normal heart rate is 72 beats per minute.
Describe platelet aggregation?
Platelets congregate at the area of injury and form a temporary plug to limit blood loss
What happens during the 3rd stage of haemostasis?
The bodies tissue is repaired from the inside. Leaving a plug on the outside to prevent further blood loss and or infection
Why are most test performed on the liquid portion of blood?
Because there are a lot more components in the liquid portion of the blood. E. G. Hormones, fibrinogen,
there are only a few tests that can be performed on the cell portion of the blood.
How do you practice cultural competence?
Take into account the socio-cultural values of others.
How do you follow safe practice as a medical laboratory worker?
Practise in accordance with health and safety legislation. Follow work place safety policies and procedures. Identify and manage hazards (fire, electrical, chemical, biological and over use syndrome).
Name some of the points culturally competent practise includes in 5 codes of practice?
Recognise own beliefs, values and prejudices.
Recognise cultural diversity, ethnicity, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, migrant experience or disability.
Apply treaty of waitangi partnership and act in good faith.
An infection agent needs a susceptible host. What could constitute a susceptible host?
New born babies, elderly, disease, antibiotic treatment, immunosuppressive drugs, surgery, anaesthesia, insertion of catheters
If a blood tube with an anticoagulant is used what type of specimen do you get?
Whole blood specimen where the whole blood will be used for testing e.g. CBC, ESR or the Plasma (after centrifuging) to test the liquid portion of the blood that contains hormones electrolytes gases, nitrogen wastes, lipids, fibrinogen, gluclose, amino acids, proteins etc
If there is no anticoagulant in the tube and the blood is allowed to clot what type of specimen do you get?
A serum sample. Serum is the liquid portion of coagulated blood.
Where is the heart located in the body?
In the centre of the thoracic cavity.