Joints of Upper Body Flashcards
The costovertebral joints connect the ribs to the thoracic vertebrae, contributing to the stability and flexibility of the ribcage.
The costotransverse joints connect the ribs to the transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae, playing a role in the articulation and movement of the ribcage.
The sternocostal joints connect the sternum (breastbone) to the costal cartilages of the true ribs, allowing for the movement of the ribcage during breathing and other activities.
The sternoclavicular joint connects the clavicle (collarbone) to the sternum (breastbone), providing stability and allowing for movements of the upper limb and shoulder.
The costochondral joints connect the ribs to the costal cartilages, specifically at the points where the cartilages attach to the anterior ends of the ribs, contributing to the flexibility of the ribcage.
The term “interchondral” typically refers to the joints or spaces between adjacent costal cartilages, specifically in the context of the lower ribs, contributing to the overall flexibility of the ribcage.
The manubriosternal joint, also known as the symphysis manubriosternalis or sternal angle, connects the manubrium (upper part) and the body of the sternum (breastbone), serving as a key landmark in the anterior chest wall.
The xiphisternal joint is the articulation between the xiphoid process, a small, cartilaginous extension at the inferior end of the sternum, and the body of the sternum, forming the lower part of the midline of the anterior chest.
Label the Joints