Joints Flashcards
Name for shoulder joint
scapulo-humeral joint
Structure of shoulder joint
ball & socket
Function of shoulder joint
hinge joint (cursorial specialization)
Joint capsule for scapulo-humeral joint
capacious & extends under the tendon of origin of the biceps brachii
thickened laterally & medially into collateral/ glenohumeral ligaments
Ligaments tht keeps biceps brachii tendon in place
transverse humeral ligament
Why are large tendons & muscles recruited for stability of the shoulder joint
shallow glenoid cavity & weak collateral ligaments
Muscles & tendons that help stabilize the shoulder joint
medially: subscapularis & corocobrachialis
laterally: infraspinatus & teres minor
craniomedially: supraspinatus & tendon of biceps brachii
Osteochondriosis dessicans
occurs in goldens, labs, Newfoundlands, Bernese Mtn dogs, & mixed breed
any breed
Injuries related to shoulder joint
medial glenohumeral ligament injury
biceps tendonitis/ tenoynovitis
luxation/ dislocation of the shoulder joint
Although luxation/ dislocation of the shoulder joint is rare, what could cause it
injury to suprascapular nerve
Name for elbow joint
cubital jont (also a compound joint)
Joints that make up the elbow joint
humeroradial joint
humeroulnar joint
radioulnar joint
Joint in elbow that bears most of the weight
humeroradial joint
Part of humeroradial joint that bears most of the weight
capitulum of the humerus (lateral condyle)
Humeroulnar joint is formed b/w
trochlea of the humers (medial condyle)
Is the cubital joint stable
yes-> strong collateral ligaments
Ligaments of cubital joint
medial & lateral collateral ligaments oblique ligaments olecranon ligament annular ligament interrosseus ligament
Medial & lateral collateral ligaments cubital joint
medial & lateral epicondyles to radius/ ulna
Oblique ligament
cranial to medial
Olecranon ligament
caudal, joins medial condyle to olecranon
Annular ligament
cranial to radius; stabilizes proximal radioulnar joint
allows for pronation & supination
Interosseus (radioulnar) ligaments
cover interosseous space b/w radius & ulna
How does the interosseous ligaments change as the dog ages
elastic -> collagen -> ossified tissue
Anconeus muscle
covers margins of olecranon fossa of humerus & olecranon
Cubital joint illnesses
joint incongruity metabolic deficiencies fragmented coronoid process un-united/ fragmented anconeal process luxation/ dislocation of elbow joint
Fragmented coronoid process & un-united/ fragmented anconeal process common in what breeds
Goldens, Labs, Newfoundlands, Bernese Mtn dogs, & mixed breeds
Un-united anconeal process is especially common in German Shephards. What is a pre-disposing factor
ulnar distal growth injury
When can un-united anconeal proces be diagnosed
after 24 weeks
How would luxation/ dislocation of the elbow joint occur
forced medial impact on the forearm or a lateral impact on the arm in a flexed lebow could dislocate the radius & ulna LATERALLY
Does medial luxation of radius & ulna occur
Joints of the carpus
antebrachiocarpal joint
middle carpal joint
intercarpl joint
carpometacarpal joint
Antebrachiocarpal joint
b/w antebrachial bones & proximal row of carpal bones
Middle carpal joint
b/w two rows of carpal bones
Intercarpal joints
b/w various carpal bones
Carpometacarpal joint
b/w distal row of carpals & metacarpals
Movement of carpus joints
occurs mainly at antebrachiocarpal joint & middle carpal joints
Approach for intra-articular injection
antebrachiocarpal & middle carpal joints