Joint/muscle movements/anatomical terms Flashcards
Flexion of the neck
Moving the neck forward
Extension of the neck
Moving the neck backwarrds
Hyper extension of the neck
Moving the neck all the way backwards
Elbow flexion
supine straight arm to the side and move it up at the elbow making an L shape
Elbow extension
Putting arm in L shape down, straight , and supine
Circumduction of the arm
Moving the prone arm in circular motions
Abduction of the arm/ Adduction
Prone arm straight out to side and moving upwards. Moving it downwards would be adduction
Shoulder flexion/Hip flexion
Supine arm forward and up/ Leg forward and up
Shoulder extension/ Hip extension
Supine arm up backwards, foot up backwards,
Lateral/ Medial hip rotation
rotating the foot outwards/rotating the foot inwards
Eversion of the foot
Moving outwards
Inversion of the foot
Moving inwards
Dorsiflexion of the foot
Moving the foot upwards towards the shin
Plantar Flexion
Moving foot downward towards floor
Elevation of shoulders
Bringing shoulders to neck