Attachements/ actions Flashcards
What muscle rotates the head
The splenus capitis
What muscle downward rotates the scapula
Levator scapulae
what muscle flexes the elbow
The bracioradialis
What muscle flexes the knee and plantar flexes the foot
The gastronemus
what muscle rotates the arms inward
The lats
what muscle laterally rotates the humerus
The teres minor
what muscle abducts the arm
The supraspinatus
what muscle draws the scapula to the spine
what muscle extends the knee
The vastus medialias
what muscle everts the foot/inverts?
peroneous longus/ tibials anterior
what muscle turns the palm up and down
The pronator
What muscle draws the arm forward and down
The pectoralis
What muscle flexes and supinates the forearm
What muscle flexes the thorax
The external oblique
What muscle flexes the wrist
Flexor carpi radialis
Frontalis action(Front of skull)/ attachements
Elevates eye brows, wrinkles skin of foreheard/ Galea aponeurotica, subcutaneous tissue of eyebrow
Occipitalis ( back of skull) action/ attachements
Retracts scalp/ superior nuchal line, temporal bone, galea aponeurotica
Orbicularis occuli(eyes) action/ attachements
anything to do with eyelids, flow of tears/ Lacrimal bone, Maxilla, Upper and lower eyelids, skin around orbit
Orbicularis oris(mouth) action/ attachements
closes lips, protrudes lips/ modiolus, submucosa and dermis of lips
Buccinator action/ attachements
Compresses cheek against teeth and gums, Directs fodo between molar/ Aveolar processes of manible and maxilla, submucosa of cheek and lips
Temporalis action/ attachements
Elevation, retractions, and lateral and medial excursion of the mandible/ temporal fossa of cranium/coronoid process and anterior border of manibular ramus
Massester action/ attachements
Elevation of mandible / zygomatic arch, lateral surface of mandibular ramus
SCM Sternocleidomastoid action/ attachements
look over shoulder, rotating head left or right, up or down/ mandubrium of the sternum, clavicle
Trapezius action/ attachements
extends and laterally flexes the neck/ occipital protuberance, spinous process of vertebre c7-t3, acromiom and spine of scapula
Diaphragm action/ attachments
Prime mover of air intake, preps for sneezing, coughing, crying, laughing, weight lifting. aids in childbirth and expulsion of urine and feces./ xiphoid process of the sternum, ribs, lumbar vertebrae
External intercostals action/ attachments
expand thoracic cavity and cause inflow of air/ inferior margins or ribs, superior margin of ribs
External oblique action/ attachements
supports abdomin against pull of gravity, maintains posture, contralateral rotation of the waist/ ribs 5-12
internal oblique action/ attachements
ipsilateral rotation of waist/ inguinal ligament, illiac crest, , ribs 10-12
Rectus abdominus action/ attachements
Flexes lumbar region of vertebra, forward bending at waist/ pubic symphasis, superior margin of pubis, xiphoid process
Erector Spinae action/ attachements
extension and lateral flexion of the vertbreal column/ nuchal ligament, thoracic and lumbar vertebra, mastoid process, all rib.
Quadratus lumborum action/ attachements
Aids respiration, stablizing attachments of diaphragm/ illiac crest, rib 12
Levator scapulae action/ attachements
elevates scapula, retracts scapula/ transverse process of vertebra, superior angle to medial border of scapula
Rhomboids action/ attachements
retracts scapula , fixes scapula during arm movements/ Spinous process of vertebre, medial border of scapula
pectoralis action/ attachements
flexes, adducts, medially rotates humerus, climbing, hugging/
Lats action/ attachements
Adducts and medially rotates humerus, backwards arm movements/
Deltoid action/ attachements
flex and medially rotate arm, laterally rotate arm , arm swinging/ Acromion, clavicle, deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
Supraspinatus action/ attachements
aids deltoid in abduction of arm/ fossa of scapula, greater tubercle of humerus
infraspinatus action/ attachements
Rotates humerus laterally/ fossa of scapula, greater tubercle of humerus.
Brachialis action/ attachements
flexes elbow/ anterior surface of distal half of humerus, coronoid process and tuberosity of ulna
biceps brachi action/ attachements
supination of forearm, shoulder flexion/ glenoid cavity, tuberosity of the radius, connective tissue of forearm.
Triceps action/ attachements
Extends the elbow/ glenoid cavity,posterior surface of humerus, olecranon, fascia of forearm
Flexor carpi radialis action/ attachements
flexes wrist/ medial epicondlye of humerus, base of metacarpals
Psoas action/ attachements
flexes thigh at hip, balances trunk during sitting/ Intervebreal discs of vertebra t12 - L5, lesser trochanter, shaft of femur.
tensor fascia latae action/ attachments
Extends knee, laterally rotates tibia, aids in
abduction and medial rotation of femur/Iliac crest
rectus femoris action/ attachments
Extends knee; flexes thigh at hip/Ilium at
anterior inferior spine and superior margin, Intertrochanteric crest of femur
Bicep Femoris action/ attachments
Flexes knee; extends hip; elevates trunk from
stooping posture; laterally rotates tibia on
femur when knee is flexed; laterally rotates
femur when hip is extended/Long
head-ischial tuberosity, lateral supracondylar line of
femur, head of fibula
semitendinosis action/ attachments
flexes knee; medially rotates tibia on femur when
knee is flexed; medially rotates femur when
hip is extended/Ischial tuberosity, Medial surface of
upper tibia
SEMIMEMBRANOSUS action/ attachments
flexes knee; medially rotates tibia on femur when
knee is flexed; medially rotates femur when
hip is extended/ Medial
condyle on tibia, lateral condyle of
femur; ligament of popliteal region.
Tibilas anterior action/ attachments
Dorsiflexes and inverts foot/ Lateral condyle of tibia, Medial cuneiform, metatarsal
gastronemius action/ attachments
plantar flexes foot, walking, runnning, jumping,/ Condyles, popliteal
surface, and lateral supracondylar of
femur; capsule of knee joint;
Soleus action/ attachments
Plantar flexes the foot/
Posterior surface of head and
proximal one-fourth of fibula; middle
one-third of tibia; interosseous membrane;