Bony landmarks Flashcards
Medial Malleous/ Lateral Malleous
Shaft of tibia
The shin
Tuberosity of the tibia
Bump inferior to the patella
Knee cap
Styloid process of the ulna
Small bump at distal end of the ulna before the wrist
anterior iliac spine (ASIS)
Pointed bone at front of the hip(side)
Styloid process of the radius
Lateral process at the distant end of the radius before the wrist
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Where what attaches?
Bump on the outside of the elbow at the end of the humerus. The wrist extensor muscles attach here
Medial epicondyle of the humerus
where what attaches?
Bump on the inside of the elbow at the end of the humerus. Wrist flexor muscles attach here
Xiphoid process
Point at the inferior end of the sternum
Breast bone, between the ribs in the front
Biciptial Groove
Groove between the greater and lesser tuberosity of the humerus on anterior delt
Coracoid Process
Acromioclavicular joint
A joint between the acromion process of the scapula and the clavicle. on the op lateral part of shoulder
Sternal Notch
Superior to sternum and between he heads of the clavicles
ramus of the mandible
Point at the angle of the jawbone
Frontal eminence
Slight rise between eyebrow and hairline
Supraorbital Ridge
upper part of eye socket under the eyebrow
Zygomatic Bone
Cheek bone
Acromion process
Lateral point of the spine of the scapula
top lateral part of shoulder
Crest of the illium
The hip bone also called the illiac crest
top part of the hip
Greater Trochanter
Bony knob on top of leg bone
Medial epicondyle of the femur/ lateral epicondyle of the femur
boney enlargement on inside of knee/ outside of knee
Head of the fibula
Bump on outside of the leg just below the knee
Mastoid process
Bony point behind lower portion of the ear
Tranverse process of first cervicle vertebra
just below and deeper than the mastoid process
Spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra
topmost of the palpable spinous processes
Spinous processes of the vertreba
The spine bumps down the back of the body
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Bump on the outside of the elbow where the wrist extensor muscles connect
end of the floating ribs
Literally the end of the last two ribs
Crest of the illum, aka illac crest
top of Hip bone
heel bone
Ischial tuberosity
Sit bone on back bottom of ischium
Distal end of the sacrum
where the buttcrack starts
Posteior superior iliac spine (PSIS)
Located inwards to the crest of the illium from the back
Olecranon process
Point of elbow at the proximal end of the ulna
Twelfth rib
Last rib
Inferior angle of the scapula
Lower tip of the scapula
Axillary border of the scapula
lateral edge of scapula by armpit
vertebral border of the scapula
Medial end of the scapula nearest to the spine
greater tuberosity of the humerus
Side of Delt
Spine of the scapula
Bony ridge on posterior, superior, middle scapula
occipital ridge
Bony ridge on posteior inferior skull
Occipital Protuberance
Small bump on posteior mid skull
A naturally occurring lump or nodule of bone is called a