Joint Classification By Tissue Type Flashcards
Classify joints by type of tissue in articulation (3)
Fibrous, Cartilaginous, Synovial
What degree of movement do fibrous joints have?
Bone -_____-bone
No/limited movement
What degree of movement do cartilaginous joints have?
Bone -_____-bone
Slightly moveable
What degree of movement do synovial joints have?
Bone -_____-bone
Highly moveable
Cartilage - cavitated CT (filled w/ synovial fluid) - Cartilage
This fibrous joint is confined to the cranium.
Bone-_____-bone; what are the fibers in this ligament?
Collagenous sutural ligament; Sharpey’s fibers
What is the function of sutures?
Shock absorption
This fibrous joint anchors tooth in socket
Bone-______-dental cementum (root of tooth)
Gomphosis (gompho - “peg”; osis - “formation”)
Cartilaginous periodontal ligament
Define Syndesmosis, which are ______ joints
Bone-______-bone (may be elastic fibrous CT)
Syndesmosos - “to bind together”
Cartilaginous interosseous ligament
What is the function of Syndesmosis? Name some examples of this joint
Dynamic stabilization, resist forces which separate bones.
Radioulnar, tibiofibular interosseus ligaments; ant./post. Longitudinal spine ligaments; ligamentum flavum
Name the 1˚ cartilaginous joint
Syn - “together”, kondros - “cartilage”, osis - “formation”
Examples of Synchondrosis?
Epiphyseal growth plates, basisphenoid synchondrosis
-hyaline growth catilage-
Name the 2˚ cartilaginous joint
Symphyses “together growth”
-hyaline cartilage - fibrocartilaginous disc - hyaline cartilage-
What is the function of symphyses? Where is it restricted to on the body?
Axillary skeleton only (median)
Stability, resist forces @ weight bearing joints
Locations of symphyses; *undergo synostosis
Manubriosternal* , xiphisternal* , mandibular symphysis*, IVD, pubic symphysis
Name the highly-moveable joint
Diarthroses - Synovial
- hyaline articular cartilage - cavitated CT (filled w/ synovial fluid) - hyaline articular cartilage