Johnston- AV Blocks Flashcards
first degree AV block does what on ECG
prolongs PR beyond .2 seconds
-greater than 5 little squares
what is a normal PR interval
.12-.20 seconds
normal variant 1st degree AV block from what 3 main things
another thing
-degeneration of conduction system/fibrosis CHD
other causes of 1st degree normal variant av block
CAD drugs- BB, CCB, digitalis, antiarrhythmias (class I and III)
endocrine (hyper/hypothyroid)
inflammatory disease
infiltrative disesae
valvular calcification
mobitz I (wenckebach) on ECG
progressive PR interval prolongation prior to dropped QRS
- “grouped beats”
- impairment of AV conduction
etiology of mobitz I
all those things that cause 1st degree AV block
digitalis toxicity
ischemic events (MI-inferior) (chris weinke(bach) is an inferior QB)
if have wenckebach av block thing what MI
what is the ratio of wenckebach for p to qrs
2:1, 3:2, 4:3 etc..
2nd degree AV block - Mobitz Type II etiology
ischemic heart disease
may be seen with acute ANTERIOR MI (bc block is distal to av node; worse progosis)
-degeneration of conduction system
usually involving LAD
MII in anterior part of med school class
mobitz type II pr interval
no prior PR lengthening
mobitz type II on ecg
pr interval uniform dropped QRS (p wave fails to conduct)
level of block mobitz type II
bundle of HIS
both bundle branches
fascicular branches
features of high av block at crest of av node
rhythm before complete block
junctional escape rhythm (narrow qrs)
rate 40-60
RCA disase, diaphragmatic infarction, edema around AV node
preceded by wenckebach
features of low av block
rhythm before complete block
at bundle of his, bilateral bundle branch, or trifascicular
ventricular escape rhythm (20-40) wide QRS
-danger of asystole or V tach
-LAD disease, large anteroseptal infraction, chronic degeneration of conduction system
preceded by mobitz II
3rd degree heart block p waves and qrs
never related to each other
-no p waves conduct to ventricle so 2 independent rhythms
if 3rd degree block occurs above av node then
junctional rhythm
-narrow qrs
40-55 beats
if 3rd degree block occurs below av node then
ventricular pacemaker
wide qrs
rate 20-40
etiology of 3rd degree heart block
ischemia infiltrative diseases cardiac surgery -by pass, valve replacement -myocarditis -degenerative
how do you treat a 3rd degree AV block?