Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Flashcards
_____________________ refers to an employee’s cognitive, affective, and evaluative reactions to his or her job.
Job satisfaction.
Surveys have consistently found that, when workers are asked about their level of overall job satisfaction, ___ to ___% say they are satisfied.
80 to 90%.
__________________: There is evidence that job satisfaction is an enduring __________________.
Disposition (both blanks).
Research with twins has found that there appears to be a ______________ contribution to job satisfaction.
___________: Research on the relationship between overall job satisfaction and ___ has provided inconsistent results, with some studies finding a positive linear relationship and other studies finding a U-shaped relationship.
Age (both blanks).
________________: While studies have not produced consistent results, in general, research has found that - compared to Whites - members of racial/ethnic minorities report lower levels of overall job satisfaction, with this difference being most consistent when _______________ workers are compared with White workers.
- Race/ethnicity
- African American.
________________: Studies have found that ___________ report lower levels of satisfaction, or that both groups report similar levels. When ____________ experience lower satisfaction, there is some evidence that it is because they feel exploited by their jobs, are employed in lower-level jobs, and/or are being paid less than _________ despite performing comparable work.
- Gender
- Women
- Women
- Men
________________: Satisfaction increases as this increases.
Occupational level.
____________________: Research has established a positive correlation between job satisfaction and this characteristic.
Life satisfaction.
In a recent survey (SHRM, 2011) of 600 U.S. employees, the following were identified as the top five factors that contribute to job satisfaction:
- Job ___________
- Opportunities to use ________________
- Organization’s _______________ stability
- Relationship with ___________________
- Compensation/pay
- Security
- Skills and abilities
- Financial
- Immediate Supervisor
Research has found that perceived job ____________________ is linked to job dissatisfaction, as well as to higher turnover rates, and poorer physical and mental health.
There is evidence than an employee’s perception that he/she is ___________________ is more predictive of job satisfaction than is the actual level of pay.
Receiving the amount of pay/compensation he/she deserves.
The relationship between job satisfaction and ________________ has traditionally been described as “positive but weak,” however, a meta-analysis (Judge et al., 2001) obtained an average correlation coefficient of ___ after statistically controlling the effects of sampling and measurement error.
- Performance
- .30
Job __________________ has been linked to high rates of turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness. The strongest relationship is between _____________ and ________________, with the average correlation being about -.40. This correlation is lower when ______________ rates are high.
- Dissatisfaction
- Satisfaction
- Turnover
- Unemployment
An early study (Palmore, 1969) found job satisfaction to be a better predictor of longevity than either _______________ or ______________, and subsequent studies have consistently linked job satisfaction to both physical and mental health.
- Physical health
- Tobacco use
____________________ refers to the strength of an employee’s psychological attachment to an organization.
Organizational commitment.
Meyer and Allen’s (1997) _________________ distinguishes between 3 types of organizational commitment.
Three-component model.
________________ commitment refers to a worker’s identification with, emotional attachment to, and involvement in the organization.
________________ commitment refers to a worker’s perceptions regarding the social and monetary costs of leaving the organization.
_______________ commitment refers to the worker’s sense of obligation to remain with the organization because he/she believes it is the right thing to do.
Of the three types of commitment, _________________ commitment has been found to be most consistently related to a variety of factors including turnover, absenteeism, organizational citizenship behavior, job performance, personal stress, and work-family conflict, while ________________ commitment appears to be associated only with turnover.
- Affective
- Continuance
Bonus: Evidence suggests organizational commitment is similar for men and women, whites and non-whites.