jesus son of god Flashcards
jesus title 1- son of man
this was a title from the old testament referring to a future eschatological figure in Daniel 7:13 whos coming signals final judgement. the language Daniel uses does align with Jesus’ character.
jesus title 2 - Lord
Jesus is referred to as Lord
Lord = Adonai in Hebrew and the terms Adonai and Yahweh (God) are used interchangeably in the old testament
jesus title 3 - saviour
he is referred to as ‘saviour who is christ the lord’ in Luke 2:11
=Jesus is the one who saves and the Old testament claims that only God can save - so he must be God
jesus title 4 - son of god
indicates a close and unique relationship with god - is this proof of divinity though??! as it bridges a gap and he is fulfilling God’s mission buut
or he is God in human form and is of the hypostatic union so yeah maybe
st paul on the hypostatic union
Romans 1:4 jesus ‘has been declared the son of God’
jesus baptism proof he is god
matthew 3:17 ‘this is my son, with whom i am well pleased’
quote about jesus being god right from creation
John 1:1 ‘in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god’
=jesus was eternally existent
why is the hypostatic union justified
if jesus was not fully divine, he wouldnt be able to save people from original sin and reverse the effects of the fall
if jesus was not fully human, he would have not suffered on the cross as a human would
=he msut be both simultaneously
when was the hypostatic union affirmed
The council of Chalcedon in 451
‘truly god and truly man’ - not a blend
hick critique that jesus wasnt god/didnt know he was x2
- jesus does not describe himself as the son of god
- the label was a common title in judaism - adam was also called the son of god.
jesus’ language as proof he is and knew he was the son of god x4
- the synoptic gospels recount Jesus addressing God as ‘abba’ (father) - indicating a unique closeness and consciousness of his nature
- john 10:30 - ‘the father and i are one’, John 14:9 ‘whoever has seen me has seen the father’
- even as a child: luke 2:49 ‘didnt you know i had to be in my father’s house?’
- John’s gospel says Jesus repeats ‘I am’ - linking to Exodus 3:14 when God says ‘i am who i am’
Hick critique that Jesus knew he was God in John’s gospel x2
-was written a long time after the other gospels by a confirmed believer who was able to match the theology of early christians. perhaps this was an invention to reinforce Jesus’ divinity
-Hick argues that John is more modern and is putting words into his mouth
the baptism of jesus
Mark 1: ‘you are my son, whom i love, and are well pleased’
- a dove (holy spirit) descended and a light from the sky appeared with a voice.
the transfiguration
Mark 17
disciples see before them Moses (the law) and Elijah (the big prophet man).
‘this is my son whom i love’
john 14:6
‘i am the way, the truth and the light. no-one comes to the father except through me’
=he has the knowledge of salvation so he must be God.