Jesus Christ Flashcards
What is the Specification for Jesus Christ?
-Son of God
-A teacher of Wisdom
In the yer 451 what was Jesus acknowledged as by mainstream christians?
Fully human and fully Divine.
What did Jews refer to son of God as?
The ‘anointed one’
What is the anointed one in Greek
What is the anointed one in Hebrew?
How did Jews view the ‘Son of God’?
-The individual was chosen by God as a representative
-They believed that he would free the Israelite morally spiritually and politically
How did Gentiles view the ‘Son of God’?
The individual is Divine.
How do Christians today view the ‘Son of God’?
A unique title that identifies Jesus as Divine.
What is the word for Jesus being fully human and fully divine?
Hypo-static Union
The doctrine of the trinity is there were any contrary beliefs what would they be regarded as?
What makes Jesus equal to God in a way?
He is God made flesh (incarnate)
What is the heresy about God’s adopted son?
Adoptionism-Jesus was adopted by God at his baptism,but God left him when he died on the cross as a human.
What is the heresy of Fully Divine?
Docetism-Jesus appeared to be human.
What is the heresy of Arianism?
Jesus is more than a human but less important that God
What are the two main creeds drawn by the Church Council after Jesus’s death?
Apostles Creed
Nicene Creed
What in Apostle’s creed indicated that Jesus is the son of God?
‘I believe in Jesus Christ his only begotten son’
What in Nicene creed indicates that Jesus is the son of God?
‘Begotten of the father’
Who’s Gospel emphasises Jesus’s Divinity the most?
Who’s Gospel was written last?
John’s Gospel
What is a popular suggestion of why John’s Gospel presents Jesus as most Divine?
He was trying to distinguish Christianity more clearly from Judaism.
What are 2 I am statements?
‘i am the light of the world’
‘i am the the way, the truth, the life
What is so special about John’s ‘i am’ statments?
The Greek version of the old testament referred to the unspoken name of God in the same way John writes.
What is an example of God saying i am?
Moses and the burning bush.
What Goes against the I am from John’s Gospel?
He wrote much later on so he may have wanted to match the theology at the time rather than have historical accuracy.
What are three examples of Jesus simply being a human?
-Jesus clearing the temple of merchants,shows he is emotional and angry.
-His death, he was distressed and fearful
-Lacking full knowledge, unaware of who touched his cloak
What are the 3 temptations indicated Jesus could simply be human?
-turning stone into bread
-Jumping off a mounting for a angel to catch him
-Worshipping the devil in exchange for power
How would Christians respond to the examples of perhaps Jesus Christ is Human
Demonstrates only one aspect of Jesus.
What did Jesus refer to himself as?
‘The son of Man’
Did Jesus ever refer to himself as the Son of God?
No however in the new testament God does.
What are 2 reasons as to why Jesus never referred to himself as the ‘Son of God’
-He didn’t want any unwanted attention
-‘Son of God’ was written in later
the ‘synoptic gospels’ wrote similarly however John’s was the only one which differs.
How is Jesus’s relationship with God seen as intimate?
-refer to God as ‘Abba’
>however it is argued this is no different to Christians
-Jesus pleading to God in the Garden of Gethsemane
-referring to the temple as ‘my father’s house’.
What part in John’s Gospel is Jesus referring to himself as God?
‘The father and i are one’
‘Whoever has seen me has seen the father’
What goes against John Gospel of Jesus being God?
-Jesus was simply trying to emphasise his relationship with God.
-Trying to reflect God’s will
-‘The father is greater than i’
What do many theologians believe Jesus was?
Jesus believed himself to be a prophet as he refers to his fulfilment of prophecies many times.
-Also the old testament does not belief the messiah would be divine so why would Jesus
How does Karl Rahner respond to the fact Jesus seemed to lack knowledge?
-Compared to a onion with many layers
-Top layer’s being his human awareness
-Deeper layers as divine consciousness
Why do many scholars believe that the question if Jesus is unique is unhelpful?
The question is ambiguous as there is no point in his life where he is uniquely the son of God.
What did Garard o collins say about Jesus being Unique?
It’s impossible to truly know oneself
What is a miracle?
A extraordinary event that cannot be explained.
What were Jesus’s categories of Miracles?
-Healing the sick
-power over nature
-Rasing the dead
What was seen as Jesus’s Greatest miracle?
His resurrection
‘on the third day he rose’
Sets him apart from miracle workers.
What also makes Jesus Unique other than the resurrection?
-His contraception
-His birth
-Relationship with God
Explain his Unique contraception.
-Mary is a Virgin
-It was a result of the Holy spirit
-She is known as the ‘God-bearer’
Explain Jesus’s Unique birth.
Luke Gospel
‘today as saviour has been born’
-Descendant of King David
-He was born in a stable and 3 wise men travelled far to see him
How is Jesus’s relationship with God Unique?
God appeared in his baptism and transfiguration
Explain how God was present in Jesus’s baptism and transfiguration.
Baptism-he was baptised by John the baptist and he saw heaven open ‘this is my son’
Transfiguration-Voice of God declared Jesus is his son
What is the main reason as to why Jesus’s miracles do not make him divine?
Magicians was a commonplace
From Jesus’s Miracles what Could he be?
A prophet.
What are examples of other prophets miracles?
-Moses parting the red sea.
-Jesus raising widow’s sine from the dead
similar to Elijah in OT
What could counter the belief that Jesus may not be unique in the bases of his miracles?
Christians believe the power came from Jesus directly.
How did his Miracles show he was a liberator of the marginalised?
He healed women lepers and Gentiles.
How does Jesus’s Resurrection show he is divine?
Gospels made and effort to show that Jesus died and was buried.