Jesus Baptism Flashcards
Jesus is baptized only after some disagreement with John about whether John should baptize him. After the baptism, Jesus sees “the spirit of God descending like a dove,” and a voice from the heavens saying, “this is my beloved son, with whom I’m well pleased”
Jesus is baptized, and then he sees “the heavens being torn and the spirit, like a dove, descending upon him”. A voice from heaven says “you are my beloved son; with you i am well pleased”
Jesus is seen at prayer after the baptism has taken place, and it is then that the spirit descends upon him “bodily form like a dove”. A voice from heaven proclaims, “you are my beloved son; with you I am well pleased
Unlike any synoptic gospel, does not describe the baptism of Jesus. However it does include a passage testimony by John the Baptist that seems to echo the baptism scenes of synoptic gospels
Was a symbol for Israel and spirit of God
At old times in the Old Testament, God or yahweh is depicted as speaking to people in a voice from the heavens; often concealed by a cloud
The voice