Jeopardy Ch. 1-3 Flashcards
This theory about government was developed by English philosopher John Locke: government exists to protect people’s life, liberty, and property, and the people should be free to pursue their individual interests
What is liberalism
Those who are willing to use government to promote equality but not order
What are the liberals
Those who are willing to use government to promote order but not equality
What are conservatives
Those who are opposed to using government to promote either order or equality
What are libertarians
Those who are willing to use government to promote both order and equality
What are communitarians
In this form of democracy, all members of a group, rather than representatives meet and make decisions
What is direct or participatory democracy
The United States Constitution creates this form of democratic government, where citizens elect public officials to govern on their behalf
What is a representative democracy
The theory of government assumes: citizens are knowledgeable about government and politics; that they want to participate in the political process; and they make wise, rational decisions in voting for elected representatives
What is the majoritarian model of democracy
The view that a small group of wealthy well-connected individuals actually make most of the important government decisions
What is elite theory
This author of the Declaration of Independence was highly influenced by John Locke by writing “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Who is Thomas Jefferson
Our nation’s first form of government, in which the states held the most political power, and the national government consisted of only Congress, which had no direct authority to tax
What is the Articles of Confederation
This Massachusetts rebellion, led by a former officer of the Continental Army, put a spotlight on the weaknesses of the national government, and led to Congress calling for A Constitutional Convention
What is Shay’s Rebellion
This plan resolved differences between James Madison’s Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan by creating a bicameral Congress in which representation in the House is based on population, and states have equal representation in the Senate
What is the Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise
The Constitution was written in Philadelphia in the summer of this year
What is 1787
This part of the Constitution creates a People, explains the reason for the Constitution, articulates goals, and fashions a government
What is the preamble
This constitutional principle divides power between the national government and the states
What is federalism
The constitutional principle that assigns a specific function to each of the three branches of government: Legislature (Congress makes laws); Executive (President enforces laws); Judicial (Courts interpret laws)
What is separation of powers
The constitutional principle that gives each branch of government some control over the other branches
What is checks and balances
Has happened only 27 times, and involves two steps: Proposal by a 2/3 majority of the House and Senate or 2/3 of the states calling for a national convention (never done) AND then ratification by 3/4 of the states )either legislators or state conventions)
What is a constitutional amendment
This group of people strongly opposed the Constitution written in Philadelphia for a number of reasons, but the biggest was that it lacked a Bill of Rights to protect the rights of citizens and states
What are the anti-federalists
The number of states required to ratify the Constitution as specified in Article VII
What are 9 out of the 13 states
This famous and well respected individual help to generate support for the Constitutions ratification by proposing a “list of guarantees through the amendment process” (a bill of rights)
Who is George Washington
Note: While George Washington suggested to add the Bill of Rights, it was James Madison who did the work of writing them
Written by James Madison, this famous article or “paper” argued that the new government would not be dominated by any faction
What is Federalist #10
Written by James Madison, this well-known article or “paper” argued that separation of powers and checks and balances would control tyranny from any source within the government
What is Federalist #51