January Flashcards
Bolí to? Bude to bolieť?
Does it hurt? Will it hurt?
Bolí to ako čert.
It hurts like hell.
Máte bolesti? Bolí vás niečo?
Are you in pain? Do you have any pain?
Kde to bolí?
Where does it hurt?
Bolelo ma brucho/zuby/hrdlo.
I had a stomach ache/bellyache, tootache, sore throat.
Už to nebolí.
It doesnt hurt any more.
Bolí ho noha.
His leg hurts.
Nastražili mu do auta bombu.
They planted a bomb in his car.
Zhodili jadrovú bombu na…
A nuclear bomb was dropped on…
Došlo k ďalšiemu bombovému útoku.
There was another bomb attack.
Brániš mi vo výhľade.
You are blocking my view.
Bránili mu vo vstupe do…
They prevented him from entering the…
Ich manželskému zväzku už nič nebráni.
Nothing prevents their marriage now.
Nič mi nebráni, aby som sa odsťahoval.
Nothing prevents me from moving away.
Rodičia jej bránili, aby sa stala…
Her parents discouraged her from becoming…
Vysoké dane bránia podnikaniu.
High taxes discourage business activities.
Bránilli svoju vlasť.
They defended their country.
Neskúšaj ma zastaviť.
Dont try to stop me from doing it.
Nič ti v tom nebráni.
You are free to do it.
Čo ti bráni?
What is preventing you?
Bráň sa! (opätuj útok)
Fight back!
Bránila sa, ale márne.
She defended herself but in vain.
Ani sa nebránil. (klásť odpor)
He didnt even resist.
Nebránil by som sa tomu.
I wouldnt be against that.
Nebráň sa (tomu).
Dont resist (it). Let go.
Tvrdo sa bránia akýmkoľvek zmenám.
They strongly resist any changes.
Budeme bojovať zubami nechtami aby sme si ho nechali.
We will fight tooth and nail to keep him.
Mám jedného mladšieho/staršieho brata.
I have one younger/elder brother.
Sú ako bratia.
They are like brothers.
Žijú ako brat a sestra.
They live as brother and sister.
nevlastný brat a vlastný brat
stepbrother (žiadny spoločný súrodenec), half-brother (jeden spoločný rodič), full brother
Ponúkajú svoje služby zákazníkom.
They offer their services to the customers.
využiť čie služby
use sb´s service(s)
centrum zákazníckych služieb
customer service centre
Dnes slúži celý deň.
He is on duty the whole day today.
Za vojny slúžil v námorníctve.
During the war he served in the navy.
Slúžila v tej rodine dvadsať rokov.
She served the family for twenty years.
Omša sa bude slúžiť…
The mass will be celebrated/will be held… (The pope will celebrate the mass).
Na čo to slúži?
What does it serve for?
Môže to slúžiť na prípravu…
It may serve to prepare…
Miestnosť slúži ako sklad.
The room serves as a store.
Obrázok slúži ako príklad.
The picture serves as an example.
Starý stroj ešte slúži.
The old machine still works.
Pamäť mi už neslúži.
My memory is failling me.
Prestali mu slúžiť obličky.
His kidneys gave out.
Zdravie mu ešte slúži.
He still enjoys good health.
Mohli by ste umrieť od smädu.
You could/might die of thirst.
Pri behaní vysmädneš.
Jogging will make you thirsty.
Som smädný.
I am thirsty.